I woke up this morning with an eye infection :( it is pretty ugly. But did that stop me from going to the gym at 5am? NO WAY! I threw on my specks and headed out for cardio. I got some ugly looks, I guess I looked a little rougher than usual!
I am wearing no eye make up today and my glasses. I was hoping it would clear up on its own, but it seems to be getting worse. I guess I will bite the bullet and call the eye doctor.
If you know me well, you know that I do get frequent eye infections, at least two or three a year. And usually they are my fault, I am not the best at taking care of my contacts as I should. And let me just say, wearing glasses to work out is a fun experience. There is sweating and wiping, and it just doesn't work. But with out them, I'm blind so I don't have much of a choice. Regardless, I seem to have an eye infection at the best times....usually when I have something big planned, or somewhere important to go! I hate wearing my glasses and red eyes are not attractive! Maybe one day I will learn my lesson or go blind...one of the two.
Pray for my infection to go away quickly! Pray, Pray, Pray for me to continue to push as hard as I have been and finish.....FIRST!
***David mentioned me on the radio this morning! He told listeners about my cholesterol success! It was motivating and exciting to hear on my way to work. ***
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
4 days to go...
Paul made me throw up again yesterday....three times. Of course, it was Monday and I always throw up on Mondays for some strange reason! But the good news is, I made it through the entire work out before sprinting to the locker room! He claims he doesn't "try" to make me sick.....but seriously, the lunge nazi would make anyone sick!?
I was at the gym for the second morning in a row and plan to be there tomorrow morning too! I need the prayers to continue flowing....I only have 4 more days to push as hard as I can. It's CRUNCH TIME!
The graduation ceremony is on Saturday at 10am. It will be located at A&M Methodist Church in the Great Hall. Feel free to get a group together and paint the letters of my name on your chest, make posters, t-shirts, etc....JUST KIDDING! I am excited about it. I still can not believe that 12 weeks has gone by. Think about the benefit of another 12 weeks with a personal trainer?!
Sterling had a very good prayer on his blog today:
"Almighty in heaven, thank you for the joy of living. Thank you for the people in my life who drive me to success and happiness. Keep me moving toward my goal and know that I do it all to restore your creation. In Jesus name...Amen."
I was at the gym for the second morning in a row and plan to be there tomorrow morning too! I need the prayers to continue flowing....I only have 4 more days to push as hard as I can. It's CRUNCH TIME!
The graduation ceremony is on Saturday at 10am. It will be located at A&M Methodist Church in the Great Hall. Feel free to get a group together and paint the letters of my name on your chest, make posters, t-shirts, etc....JUST KIDDING! I am excited about it. I still can not believe that 12 weeks has gone by. Think about the benefit of another 12 weeks with a personal trainer?!
Sterling had a very good prayer on his blog today:
"Almighty in heaven, thank you for the joy of living. Thank you for the people in my life who drive me to success and happiness. Keep me moving toward my goal and know that I do it all to restore your creation. In Jesus name...Amen."
Monday, April 27, 2009
Unbelievable Changes
First of all, thanks for all of the positive feedback from my last post! I really thought...my mom and a couple of others kept up with my blog! I really was shocked at the response I got. And had I known, I probably wouldn't have shared quite as much with everyone as I did! Oh well! Ha!Ha!
My measurements went pretty well Friday, I am down two more pounds and that it always a good thing! My resting heart rate was 63, which is fantastic (12 weeks ago it was averaging 100). My blood pressure was good too. I am hoping to finish strong this week!
I just received a phone call from my doctors office. My blood work results were in from last week. The nurse seemed excited, she said she was blown away by the improvement. My cholesterol in January (3 months ago) was 231. My LDL was at a high risk level of 166, my triglycerides were 112. Three different doctors told me that I had to be put on medication, that diet and exercise alone would not bring it down. My doctor said that he would give me six months to lower it on my own, and then we would have to start the medication. After three months, my blood work results last week showed that my cholesterol is down to 184!!! And my triglycerides are down to 59!!!!!!!!!
Is that not unbelievable????
That is the lowest my cholesterol has EVER been. YIPPEE!
My measurements went pretty well Friday, I am down two more pounds and that it always a good thing! My resting heart rate was 63, which is fantastic (12 weeks ago it was averaging 100). My blood pressure was good too. I am hoping to finish strong this week!
I just received a phone call from my doctors office. My blood work results were in from last week. The nurse seemed excited, she said she was blown away by the improvement. My cholesterol in January (3 months ago) was 231. My LDL was at a high risk level of 166, my triglycerides were 112. Three different doctors told me that I had to be put on medication, that diet and exercise alone would not bring it down. My doctor said that he would give me six months to lower it on my own, and then we would have to start the medication. After three months, my blood work results last week showed that my cholesterol is down to 184!!! And my triglycerides are down to 59!!!!!!!!!
Is that not unbelievable????
That is the lowest my cholesterol has EVER been. YIPPEE!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Worst Workout EVER!
OK....so I have contemplated blogging about this experience. But I figured, maybe one day in the far distant future I will be able to look back on yesterday and laugh. I am not ready yet....but I think I owe it to my loyal blog readers to have a good chuckle at my expense. SO if you are having a bad day, sit back and relax ---this is sure to make you smile.
Let me start by going off on a tangent (which my husband will tell you I am GREAT at), and explain my major issues with wearing shorts. I NEVER wear shorts, I dream of wearing shorts in the future, but it is one of my issues. I have fat knees (which is another issue and tangent all together) not to mention cellulite, fat thighs, calves, bottom line...ugly legs. And I am a freak and am terrified of wearing shorts. If you know me, this is no revelation.
Having said that...yesterday was wednesday and Paul and I train outside on wednesdays and it was VERY hot yesterday. SO, I decided after stressing and thinking and much deliberation that I would face my fear and bite the bullet and wear shorts...traumatizing. I mean, after all it was just Paul and I outside, the whole gym wouldn't be looking at me...I was going to do it, and I would surely live through the experience. I have been tanning so you know what they say "tan fat is better than white fat". Right? OK, I did it, I showed up for my work out in shorts. Paul was very nice and said that he could tell that I have lost a lot of weight. So I began to relax and we went outside to train. Well, of course....my luck, David (Marethouse) decides to video everyone yesterday and follows Paul and I outside to VIDEO tape me....in SHORTS. Ok, I took deep breaths and tried not to freak out. THEN Paul decides to start off with sprints and Squat JUMPS. For those of you who are loyal readers, you know I CAN'T JUMP! So, let's review...video of me in SHORTS doing JUMPS. OK....so I thought it couldn't get any worse than that, right? WRONG. David leaves after catching the flattering footage of me trying to jump in shorts and says that he will be back in a few minutes to get some more footage. Great. I proceed with my workout. I am mid sprint or lunge or something and I feel my stomach completely cramp up. (***STOP READING OR CLOSE YOUR EYES IF YOU ARE A MALE AND READING THIS***) So, yes...my monthly female friend decided to hit me like a ton of bricks in the middle of my workout. Of course, I didn't say anything to Paul, because I didn't want to gross him out or freak him out or all of the above. So I sucked it up and tried to finish the workout. So let's review again...video of me in shorts, jumping, and starting my period. Can't get ANY worse, right? WRONG. At this point, Paul is asking me, what's wrong? I think he could tell I was hurting (sucking at my workout). I said nothing, I am just tired. So we pushed on. That is when the boot camp came outside to warm-up right beside us. Let me rephrase that, that is when the skinny blondes in tank tops came outside with their trainers to warm up next to us. Awesome! And who else decides to come back out for round 2? DAVID. With the video camera in hand. I am breathing deep (gasping for air) and tired, and hurting, and wearing shorts, with and audience of skinny blondes in tank tops. Paul explains the next drill to me which includes, lunges, sprints, side strattle steps....so I begin. I am hustling trying to get through as fast as I can as well as impress my large audience. This is when I ATE IT!!! Thats right ladies and gentleman...I fell, HARD....I think the ground shook. On camera, in front of the skinny blondes in tank tops, wearing my shorts. Paul quickly helped me up, laughing, and said....its okay Ashley. He knew I was humiliated. I fake laughed it off...finished up my workout, went home and took some midol and went to bed. Worst Workout EVER.
Motivating Moments during the worst workout ever (by Paul):
"It's not a squat jump when you don't squat before you jump...."
"We are not going to get any work done laying on the ground...." (this was after the big FALL)
The good news is, I made it to the gym this morning at 5am by the grace of God. And I plan to pick Charlie up and walk to the park and run around this afternoon for more cardio. I will have the 2nd to last "weigh in" in the morning.....please say lots of prayers. And I hope that I can black yesterday out forever!
Let me start by going off on a tangent (which my husband will tell you I am GREAT at), and explain my major issues with wearing shorts. I NEVER wear shorts, I dream of wearing shorts in the future, but it is one of my issues. I have fat knees (which is another issue and tangent all together) not to mention cellulite, fat thighs, calves, bottom line...ugly legs. And I am a freak and am terrified of wearing shorts. If you know me, this is no revelation.
Having said that...yesterday was wednesday and Paul and I train outside on wednesdays and it was VERY hot yesterday. SO, I decided after stressing and thinking and much deliberation that I would face my fear and bite the bullet and wear shorts...traumatizing. I mean, after all it was just Paul and I outside, the whole gym wouldn't be looking at me...I was going to do it, and I would surely live through the experience. I have been tanning so you know what they say "tan fat is better than white fat". Right? OK, I did it, I showed up for my work out in shorts. Paul was very nice and said that he could tell that I have lost a lot of weight. So I began to relax and we went outside to train. Well, of course....my luck, David (Marethouse) decides to video everyone yesterday and follows Paul and I outside to VIDEO tape me....in SHORTS. Ok, I took deep breaths and tried not to freak out. THEN Paul decides to start off with sprints and Squat JUMPS. For those of you who are loyal readers, you know I CAN'T JUMP! So, let's review...video of me in SHORTS doing JUMPS. OK....so I thought it couldn't get any worse than that, right? WRONG. David leaves after catching the flattering footage of me trying to jump in shorts and says that he will be back in a few minutes to get some more footage. Great. I proceed with my workout. I am mid sprint or lunge or something and I feel my stomach completely cramp up. (***STOP READING OR CLOSE YOUR EYES IF YOU ARE A MALE AND READING THIS***) So, yes...my monthly female friend decided to hit me like a ton of bricks in the middle of my workout. Of course, I didn't say anything to Paul, because I didn't want to gross him out or freak him out or all of the above. So I sucked it up and tried to finish the workout. So let's review again...video of me in shorts, jumping, and starting my period. Can't get ANY worse, right? WRONG. At this point, Paul is asking me, what's wrong? I think he could tell I was hurting (sucking at my workout). I said nothing, I am just tired. So we pushed on. That is when the boot camp came outside to warm-up right beside us. Let me rephrase that, that is when the skinny blondes in tank tops came outside with their trainers to warm up next to us. Awesome! And who else decides to come back out for round 2? DAVID. With the video camera in hand. I am breathing deep (gasping for air) and tired, and hurting, and wearing shorts, with and audience of skinny blondes in tank tops. Paul explains the next drill to me which includes, lunges, sprints, side strattle steps....so I begin. I am hustling trying to get through as fast as I can as well as impress my large audience. This is when I ATE IT!!! Thats right ladies and gentleman...I fell, HARD....I think the ground shook. On camera, in front of the skinny blondes in tank tops, wearing my shorts. Paul quickly helped me up, laughing, and said....its okay Ashley. He knew I was humiliated. I fake laughed it off...finished up my workout, went home and took some midol and went to bed. Worst Workout EVER.
Motivating Moments during the worst workout ever (by Paul):
"It's not a squat jump when you don't squat before you jump...."
"We are not going to get any work done laying on the ground...." (this was after the big FALL)
The good news is, I made it to the gym this morning at 5am by the grace of God. And I plan to pick Charlie up and walk to the park and run around this afternoon for more cardio. I will have the 2nd to last "weigh in" in the morning.....please say lots of prayers. And I hope that I can black yesterday out forever!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Midweek Motivation
Last night I put in a HARD two hour cardio workout at the gym. I don't know if I have ever sweat that much in my life. I pushed myself. And it felt good.....until this morning when I rolled out of bed, super sore!
I went to the hospital before work and had my blood drawn, I am hoping for good results. I am hoping that I have made a significant improvement in my cholesterol.
I have training with Paul at 5 and it is our day to go outside....not a good day for me to be sore! I know he will push me hard. I am actually looking forward to it.
I have been so anxious and nervous nearing the end of this competition. I am trying to do everything I can to make every day count. This has been a rough road, but SO worth it. And I know it is only the beginning. I am not finished. I have a lot more work to do once this competition is over. I never thought it possible that I could be so unhealthy and over weight at my age. But I also never thought it possible that I could be a Mom, work full time, and be able to exercise regularly. This competition has taught me so much not only about eating right and exercise (because I have never exercised in my life), but it has taught me so much about my self. I have learned that I can do anything if I put my mind and heart into it and if I want it bad enough....and I do! It's been a wonderful, eye-opening experience.....and its only the beginning.
"Winning isn't everything....but wanting to win is."
-Vince Lombardi
This next quote reminded me of something my Dad would say...(he was a highschool baseball and football coach)
"Don't bunt. Aim out of the ballpark"
-David Ogilivy
I went to the hospital before work and had my blood drawn, I am hoping for good results. I am hoping that I have made a significant improvement in my cholesterol.
I have training with Paul at 5 and it is our day to go outside....not a good day for me to be sore! I know he will push me hard. I am actually looking forward to it.
I have been so anxious and nervous nearing the end of this competition. I am trying to do everything I can to make every day count. This has been a rough road, but SO worth it. And I know it is only the beginning. I am not finished. I have a lot more work to do once this competition is over. I never thought it possible that I could be so unhealthy and over weight at my age. But I also never thought it possible that I could be a Mom, work full time, and be able to exercise regularly. This competition has taught me so much not only about eating right and exercise (because I have never exercised in my life), but it has taught me so much about my self. I have learned that I can do anything if I put my mind and heart into it and if I want it bad enough....and I do! It's been a wonderful, eye-opening experience.....and its only the beginning.
"Winning isn't everything....but wanting to win is."
-Vince Lombardi
This next quote reminded me of something my Dad would say...(he was a highschool baseball and football coach)
"Don't bunt. Aim out of the ballpark"
-David Ogilivy
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Countdown to the end...
Paul made me throw up yesterday. Not just throw up, I ran to the locker room and threw up about 3 times...not pretty. The workout was ROUGH,but good! He keeps telling me, that its not playtime anymore; the funny thing is that I never thought we were playing!!!
I had an appointment to see Dr. Gayle this morning at 11. Good news! I have lost 17 lbs since I saw him last, six weeks ago. I have lost 31 pounds since my appointment in December. My blood pressure was 160/100 in December and my blood pressure today was 128/76. Unbelievable, huh?
I am going in tomorrow, before work to have blood drawn to check my cholesterol levels. I was tested in January and it was dangerously high. My doctor is giving me 6 months to lower it, or I will have to start cholesterol meds. I am hoping I can lower it with diet and exercise. I don't want to start cholesterol meds, especially at my age.
I am working as hard as I can, I am killing myself in the gym, my eating habits have been awesome, and I am drinking so much water I might drown! Any advice or suggestions for the last two weeks would be greatly appreciated....I WANT TO WIN!!!!
I came across this quote today and it grabbed my attention, this is something I need to remember:
I had an appointment to see Dr. Gayle this morning at 11. Good news! I have lost 17 lbs since I saw him last, six weeks ago. I have lost 31 pounds since my appointment in December. My blood pressure was 160/100 in December and my blood pressure today was 128/76. Unbelievable, huh?
I am going in tomorrow, before work to have blood drawn to check my cholesterol levels. I was tested in January and it was dangerously high. My doctor is giving me 6 months to lower it, or I will have to start cholesterol meds. I am hoping I can lower it with diet and exercise. I don't want to start cholesterol meds, especially at my age.
I am working as hard as I can, I am killing myself in the gym, my eating habits have been awesome, and I am drinking so much water I might drown! Any advice or suggestions for the last two weeks would be greatly appreciated....I WANT TO WIN!!!!
I came across this quote today and it grabbed my attention, this is something I need to remember:
"You have to get up every morning with determination
if you are going to go to bed with satisfaction."
if you are going to go to bed with satisfaction."
Monday, April 20, 2009
Just another Manic Monday....
This weekend flew by too fast!!! On Saturday morning we celebrated our 2nd annual RE-EASTER with our good friends, the Stanton's! Last year we began this awesome tradition and it was such a huge success we decided to make it an annual celebration. The definition of RE-EASTER: an Easter RE-do. Last year our kids were at such a precious, precious age....and Easter came and went and we were disappointed that our kids missed out on all of the traditions. So Heather and I decided that we would have an Easter Re-do (hince...RE-EASTER). We dressed Charlie and Katie up in the Easter outfits and colored eggs, had bunny pancakes, hunted eggs, etc...and it was AWESOME. So awesome in fact, that we did it again this year! And this year Charlie (2), Katie (2), Baby Jack (9months) and Chelci (13)...all had matching outfits! Yippee!!!! P.S. Charlie and Katie are boyfriend/girlfriend and have been since they have been born --- it's adorable. :)

Ryan and I went to Academy Saturday evening and bought a medicine ball that we could both benefit from and use together for ab workouts. We also bought some resistant bands that I can use at home and take to the gym too.
Yeasterday Ryan and I had a productive day...we worked hard! We cleaned out drawers, closets, dusted, cleaned bathrooms, finished every piece of laundry we own, vaccumed, Ryan mowed/weedeated the yard.....AND I went to the gym yeasterday evening and had a good cardio and ab workout. I figure one day, my abs will show them selves again!!! I know they are under there somewhere!
This is the beginning of the last two weeks of the competition. I am SO anxious. I did not make it to the gym this morning (had a very rough nights sleep for some reason...exhausted from yesterday, I guess) but I meet Paul this afternoon for our training session and if the workout is anything like it was on Friday, it will kill me! Friday's training session with Paul was by far the hardest workout I have had in the gym, but I felt so good afterwards. I will attempt to put in a little cardio this evening after our session to make up for missing this morning. I will also make sure I get my tail there tomorrow morning, thursday morning, and friday morning at 5am!!! It's crunch time......no excuses.....no playing around....if I want a chance at winning this I have to stay focused.
Any supportive advice or helpful hints would be appreciated. Once again, thank you to everyone who has been by my side through this awesome journey.
Ryan and I went to Academy Saturday evening and bought a medicine ball that we could both benefit from and use together for ab workouts. We also bought some resistant bands that I can use at home and take to the gym too.
Yeasterday Ryan and I had a productive day...we worked hard! We cleaned out drawers, closets, dusted, cleaned bathrooms, finished every piece of laundry we own, vaccumed, Ryan mowed/weedeated the yard.....AND I went to the gym yeasterday evening and had a good cardio and ab workout. I figure one day, my abs will show them selves again!!! I know they are under there somewhere!
This is the beginning of the last two weeks of the competition. I am SO anxious. I did not make it to the gym this morning (had a very rough nights sleep for some reason...exhausted from yesterday, I guess) but I meet Paul this afternoon for our training session and if the workout is anything like it was on Friday, it will kill me! Friday's training session with Paul was by far the hardest workout I have had in the gym, but I felt so good afterwards. I will attempt to put in a little cardio this evening after our session to make up for missing this morning. I will also make sure I get my tail there tomorrow morning, thursday morning, and friday morning at 5am!!! It's crunch time......no excuses.....no playing around....if I want a chance at winning this I have to stay focused.
Any supportive advice or helpful hints would be appreciated. Once again, thank you to everyone who has been by my side through this awesome journey.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Reaching Goals
This morning I got to the gym at 5:30am...I guess I was still a little sleepy because I walked in and Dani (the sweet girl who works there) said: "Uhmmm Ashley, I think your shirts on backwards and your shoes are untied!" And sure enough, she was right! I was a mess!!! I laughed and headed into the locker room to weigh in and get myself together!
I was SO excited to see that I have lost another 2 pounds this week which pushed me over a milestone that has been haunting me for almost 3 years. I am under 200 pounds again and I am vowing to NEVER be above that AGAIN!!! Even when I am 9 months pregnant....I do not want to ever be over 200 pounds again. As excited as I was, I tried to hold it together so that my blood pressure would be good! I met Paul in the office and told him the good news. I think he was extremely pleased. He knew that was a very important milestone for me too. He was all smiles and for Paul...that is excitement! My blood pressure and pulse were AWESOME...lowest reading yet! Wahoo! My body fat percent is down too. All in all, great results. I just need to keep it up these last two weeks and finish as strong as I can.
Thank you SO much to everyone that supports me. I don't say nearly enough that I could not be as successful as I am without everyone's support. It is truly been awesome. :)
I will meet Paul again at 5:30 this evening for Round 2. Yippee!
I was SO excited to see that I have lost another 2 pounds this week which pushed me over a milestone that has been haunting me for almost 3 years. I am under 200 pounds again and I am vowing to NEVER be above that AGAIN!!! Even when I am 9 months pregnant....I do not want to ever be over 200 pounds again. As excited as I was, I tried to hold it together so that my blood pressure would be good! I met Paul in the office and told him the good news. I think he was extremely pleased. He knew that was a very important milestone for me too. He was all smiles and for Paul...that is excitement! My blood pressure and pulse were AWESOME...lowest reading yet! Wahoo! My body fat percent is down too. All in all, great results. I just need to keep it up these last two weeks and finish as strong as I can.
Thank you SO much to everyone that supports me. I don't say nearly enough that I could not be as successful as I am without everyone's support. It is truly been awesome. :)
I will meet Paul again at 5:30 this evening for Round 2. Yippee!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Radio Debut
Last night I made it to the gym and did a great cardio workout while watching the "biggest loser". Its a very motivating show to watch while you are working out. It really makes me push hard when I see how hard the contestants are pushing on the show! I was pumped, my girl Kristen, did not get sent home. I think she has a sweet heart and deserves to change her life!
This morning I met Sterling at the radio station at 7:10....ok 7:14! We had a segment on the air with the Morning Candy Show, Frito and Alli (the best morning show in College Station!). I was nervous! I'm not the public speaker type...Sterling is! But it went great, and Alli even said that she thinks I might be the "dark horse" in the competition!!! Did I mention that I love her??!! Sterling and I both discussed our progress and talked about the challenge. He has lost 45lbs! It was a motivating start to the day.
I will meet my long lost trainer Paul this afternoon, 4 days away....I am missing him! I'm sure he has welcomed the much needed break from me! Sorry Paul, breaks over....back to your high maintenence, needy, runs like a duck, incredibly graceful and coordinated, FAVORITE client....ASHLEY. :)
This morning I met Sterling at the radio station at 7:10....ok 7:14! We had a segment on the air with the Morning Candy Show, Frito and Alli (the best morning show in College Station!). I was nervous! I'm not the public speaker type...Sterling is! But it went great, and Alli even said that she thinks I might be the "dark horse" in the competition!!! Did I mention that I love her??!! Sterling and I both discussed our progress and talked about the challenge. He has lost 45lbs! It was a motivating start to the day.
I will meet my long lost trainer Paul this afternoon, 4 days away....I am missing him! I'm sure he has welcomed the much needed break from me! Sorry Paul, breaks over....back to your high maintenence, needy, runs like a duck, incredibly graceful and coordinated, FAVORITE client....ASHLEY. :)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Happy Easter!
Easter was great! Charlie was just at the best age this year. He LOVED every second of it...except for the new shoes and dressy outfit....I guess because it wasn't his cowboy hat and boots.
We went to Ryan's Dad's house in Pearland and had a very fun day! After lunch we took a walk...which was nice. After the long drive home, Ryan, Charlie and I went for another walk to the park for a little more exercise! I ran half way home and even put Charlie(30lbs) on my shoulders and did squats! He thought it was fun going up and down! I tried to do lunges with him on my shoulders but after I almost dropped him, I figured I should probably put him down. I finished my lunges without him!
Monday I made it to the gym at 5:30am for a good 30 minute high intensity cardio on the elliptical. I had an extremely busy day at work (didnt even break for lunch) and went straight to the gym for my 5pm workout. Paul had my workout written out for me. (He was out of town for his grandmother's funeral) I was a little nervous at first, but it was fine! I worked really hard, and was soaked with sweat when I finished. I missed Paul, but I made it!
I will be back at the gym tonight for a good cardio/ab workout. :)

We went to Ryan's Dad's house in Pearland and had a very fun day! After lunch we took a walk...which was nice. After the long drive home, Ryan, Charlie and I went for another walk to the park for a little more exercise! I ran half way home and even put Charlie(30lbs) on my shoulders and did squats! He thought it was fun going up and down! I tried to do lunges with him on my shoulders but after I almost dropped him, I figured I should probably put him down. I finished my lunges without him!
Monday I made it to the gym at 5:30am for a good 30 minute high intensity cardio on the elliptical. I had an extremely busy day at work (didnt even break for lunch) and went straight to the gym for my 5pm workout. Paul had my workout written out for me. (He was out of town for his grandmother's funeral) I was a little nervous at first, but it was fine! I worked really hard, and was soaked with sweat when I finished. I missed Paul, but I made it!
I will be back at the gym tonight for a good cardio/ab workout. :)
Saturday, April 11, 2009
GOOD Friday
I met Paul bright and early at the gym yesterday for measurements and cardio. I was SO pleased to see that my blood pressure was PERFECT! And....so was my resting heart rate!!! Which we have had trouble with both of those the past 9 weeks. My resting heart rate has been 90-100....and yesterday is was 71! Paul was pumped. My body fat % has also drastically decreased. I have lost another pound as well. All in all, good results. It gave me a new burst of motivation to finish these last few weeks strong, and hurdle my competition for the WIN!!! At this point I have accomplished more than I ever thought I could and anything is possible. With the help of my husband, trainer, and the supportive family and friends...these last 9 weeks have changed my world compeltely-for the better. When I started I didnt even think I could finish, now I am in the running to win the whole challenge!
9 weeks ago when this competition began I worried that I would not be able to compare to the others, I worried that all of my hang ups I have had in the past would yet again be an excuse for me. My goal was to stick with it, not give up....and that is what I have done. I am a mom, wife and I work full time... I have always thought that I never had time to work out...nor did I really want to! I made my mind up at the beginning of this challenge that I was going to devote myself and work hard. And to my surprise I have made a complete lifestyle change. My eating habits are great, and I am in the gym EVERYDAY, even if I can only get there 30 minutes...I make what time I have count. It has paid off. I am at the end of this challenge and for the first time, I am not terrified. I feel I can keep these new habits and lifestyle and continue to improve on my own. I am excited to see what the future holds.
Back to yesterday....sorry I get off subject quickly! (ask my husband...)
I took my niece, Natalie to see the Hannah Montanah Movie! It was awesome!!! We loved it. As soon as the movie ended I rushed home, changed and headed back to the gym for round 2. Paul and I went outside and took advantage of the nice weather. He worked me HARD...skips, hops, lunges, push ups, squats, resistant bands back and chest exercises, sprints, etc...
The good news is he says I am not running so much like a duck anymore. I guess that was a compliment! He will be gone until Tuesday which means that I will be doing my workout on my own Monday. 6 weeks ago, that would have terrified me...but I think I can do it. He wrote everything out for me and we went over each exercise, and I think I will be just fine.
I plan to work out this afternoon, and again tomorrow. I am in it to win it! I am going to bust it these last few weeks. I am the "dark horse"(american idol lingo) in this competition....watch out Sterling and Eaphrame....
9 weeks ago when this competition began I worried that I would not be able to compare to the others, I worried that all of my hang ups I have had in the past would yet again be an excuse for me. My goal was to stick with it, not give up....and that is what I have done. I am a mom, wife and I work full time... I have always thought that I never had time to work out...nor did I really want to! I made my mind up at the beginning of this challenge that I was going to devote myself and work hard. And to my surprise I have made a complete lifestyle change. My eating habits are great, and I am in the gym EVERYDAY, even if I can only get there 30 minutes...I make what time I have count. It has paid off. I am at the end of this challenge and for the first time, I am not terrified. I feel I can keep these new habits and lifestyle and continue to improve on my own. I am excited to see what the future holds.
Back to yesterday....sorry I get off subject quickly! (ask my husband...)
I took my niece, Natalie to see the Hannah Montanah Movie! It was awesome!!! We loved it. As soon as the movie ended I rushed home, changed and headed back to the gym for round 2. Paul and I went outside and took advantage of the nice weather. He worked me HARD...skips, hops, lunges, push ups, squats, resistant bands back and chest exercises, sprints, etc...
The good news is he says I am not running so much like a duck anymore. I guess that was a compliment! He will be gone until Tuesday which means that I will be doing my workout on my own Monday. 6 weeks ago, that would have terrified me...but I think I can do it. He wrote everything out for me and we went over each exercise, and I think I will be just fine.
I plan to work out this afternoon, and again tomorrow. I am in it to win it! I am going to bust it these last few weeks. I am the "dark horse"(american idol lingo) in this competition....watch out Sterling and Eaphrame....
Thursday, April 9, 2009
News Update
I had a great work out with Paul Wednesday afternoon...he made fun of me as much as possible and I called him the lunge Nazi.
Paul's grandmother passed away at 3:45am this morning. Glenda was by her side. Please continue to pray for Paul and his family.
My grandmother went to the eye doctor yesterday because she was seeing spots in her left eye. My mother had taken her 3 months ago and she had a perfect exam, was seeing 20/25! Yesterday the doctor determined she was completely blind in her right eye and her left eye was showing signs of damage. After seeing a retina specialist today, it was confirmed that the medication (cumadin) she is taking caused the hemorrhage in her eye and the damage. However with out the drug, she will have a stroke. Please pray for her vision in her left eye. Pray for her to cope and understand.
I went to Charlie's Easter Egg Hunt at school. It was adorable! He did great! I can't wait for the weekend to see him in action again. He really has the hang of it this year, it is so funny!

I had a great work out with Paul Wednesday afternoon...he made fun of me as much as possible and I called him the lunge Nazi.
Paul's grandmother passed away at 3:45am this morning. Glenda was by her side. Please continue to pray for Paul and his family.
My grandmother went to the eye doctor yesterday because she was seeing spots in her left eye. My mother had taken her 3 months ago and she had a perfect exam, was seeing 20/25! Yesterday the doctor determined she was completely blind in her right eye and her left eye was showing signs of damage. After seeing a retina specialist today, it was confirmed that the medication (cumadin) she is taking caused the hemorrhage in her eye and the damage. However with out the drug, she will have a stroke. Please pray for her vision in her left eye. Pray for her to cope and understand.
I went to Charlie's Easter Egg Hunt at school. It was adorable! He did great! I can't wait for the weekend to see him in action again. He really has the hang of it this year, it is so funny!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Blog Withdrawl Complaints
I have received several phone calls and emails this week regarding my lack of blogging! It is cracking me up!! I have been SO busy at work the last few days, I have not had a chance to update. I apologize to all of my loyal readers...hahaha...I am laughing as I type. I feel like a celebrity!
Hmmm where did I leave off??? Friday's work out was good I think....can't seem to remember back that far! We took Charlie on Saturday to meet his cousins at the Easter Egg hunt at George Bush Library. It was fun! The funny part about Easter Egg Hunts is that it started at 10:00 and ended at 10:01! Those kids are crazy! Luckily, they had three different circles roped off for the different age groups. And Charlie totally rocked the 0-3 age group! Last year he picked up one egg and was satisfied and amazed....this year he grasped the concept a little more! Although he did not enjoy the Easter Bunny! The Easter Bunny rode into the library on a fire truck and waved to all the kids....Charlie (from a very far distance) waved furiously from Ryan's shoulders and the whole time he was waving said....no easter bunny, no easter bunny.....it was hilarious!
I made it to the gym Saturday afternoon and got in my cardio! I also made it back to the gym Sunday for more cardio and I also played with Sterling and Jennifer outside using the weighted ball. It was fun!
Monday was busy, busy, busy at work and I was happy to leave and meet Paul for my 5pm work out. It was a good one! We did lots....lunges, push-ups, cable row, stairs, lunges, weighted squats, wall squats, more lunges, back machines, dumbell press, more lunges, high knee steps, more lunges...you get the idea!
Last night I was able to make it to the gym for some cardio. Sterling was there, of course (I think he lives there, maybe he is renting an office upstairs that he sleeps in...) He was a good motivator for me to push harder, and keep going on the elliptical.
Today...I await my fate. It's wednesday, which means....outside(running, drills, squats, more lunges) day! Yippee!
I am becoming more and more anxious about the competition coming to an end. We are in the home stretch, only 4 more weeks. It terrifys me. I need more time! I need Paul longer! I have so much more I want to accomplish! Paul assures me that I can do this on my own. And he is right. It is just a little scary to think about!
Please continue to pray for Paul's grandmother. The doctors beleive she has suffered another stroke. She is unable to talk or move. Last night they moved into the next stage at the hospital, and they are expecting her to go today or tomorrow. Please pray for Ann to be comfortable and at peace. Please pray for Glenda, and the rest of her family as they sit at her bedside and endure this time.
Hmmm where did I leave off??? Friday's work out was good I think....can't seem to remember back that far! We took Charlie on Saturday to meet his cousins at the Easter Egg hunt at George Bush Library. It was fun! The funny part about Easter Egg Hunts is that it started at 10:00 and ended at 10:01! Those kids are crazy! Luckily, they had three different circles roped off for the different age groups. And Charlie totally rocked the 0-3 age group! Last year he picked up one egg and was satisfied and amazed....this year he grasped the concept a little more! Although he did not enjoy the Easter Bunny! The Easter Bunny rode into the library on a fire truck and waved to all the kids....Charlie (from a very far distance) waved furiously from Ryan's shoulders and the whole time he was waving said....no easter bunny, no easter bunny.....it was hilarious!
I made it to the gym Saturday afternoon and got in my cardio! I also made it back to the gym Sunday for more cardio and I also played with Sterling and Jennifer outside using the weighted ball. It was fun!
Monday was busy, busy, busy at work and I was happy to leave and meet Paul for my 5pm work out. It was a good one! We did lots....lunges, push-ups, cable row, stairs, lunges, weighted squats, wall squats, more lunges, back machines, dumbell press, more lunges, high knee steps, more lunges...you get the idea!
Last night I was able to make it to the gym for some cardio. Sterling was there, of course (I think he lives there, maybe he is renting an office upstairs that he sleeps in...) He was a good motivator for me to push harder, and keep going on the elliptical.
Today...I await my fate. It's wednesday, which means....outside(running, drills, squats, more lunges) day! Yippee!
I am becoming more and more anxious about the competition coming to an end. We are in the home stretch, only 4 more weeks. It terrifys me. I need more time! I need Paul longer! I have so much more I want to accomplish! Paul assures me that I can do this on my own. And he is right. It is just a little scary to think about!
Please continue to pray for Paul's grandmother. The doctors beleive she has suffered another stroke. She is unable to talk or move. Last night they moved into the next stage at the hospital, and they are expecting her to go today or tomorrow. Please pray for Ann to be comfortable and at peace. Please pray for Glenda, and the rest of her family as they sit at her bedside and endure this time.
Friday, April 3, 2009
No worries....Paul did not kill me on Wednesday afternoon. I'm sure everyone was worried, and lost sleep because I didn't post yesterday! Yeah right. Well, the April Fools joke was probably not the best idea, BUT in my defense I had no idea it would get out of hand like it did! I think Paul tried to break my legs on Wednesday afternoon to get even. But I survived and thankful I am still here to talk(type) about it!
I was able to get in a good cardio workout last night and again this morning. Paul met me at the gym at 6, and we did the high intensity interval training on the elliptical. It was good! I burned almost 300 calories in 25 minutes...not bad! Paul rocked, he burned well over 300 calories....showoff.
I will meet Paul again tonight at 5pm for our training session. And it is....WEIGH IN DAY, so everyone keep your fingers crossed! I am hoping for more progress.
I am looking forward to the weekend. Ryan, Charlie and I are going to try and get out for a while and enjoy this beautiful weather. Of course, I will still get in my workouts both days as well.
I am starting to feel confident that I will be able to keep this new lifestyle change up after the 12 weeks is over. That has been the most terrifying thing for me...the reality of doing this all by myself. The healthy eating is not difficult for me. Don't get me wrong...I would prefer Mexican food 7 days a week. But I like healthy food, and it is easy for me to eat healthy once I get into the habit. It's the working out that is the HUGE change in my life. And I can actually say for the first time in my life....that I am starting to....maybe a little bit.....beginning to.....become addicted!!!! I have heard crazy rumors of people actually enjoying this...but I always assumed those people were psycho. Who would actually enjoy putting your body through that....on purpose?
But the benefits are unbelievable. I think I am becoming addicted to the results. Pray I can hold on to this feeling, dedication, motivation, and I WILL REACH MY GOALS!!!!
Please pray for Ann, Paul's grandmother. She lives with Paul's parents. She took a turn for the worse last weekend and this week suffered a stroke, and is in the hospital. She is in need of prayer for healing and comfort. Please also pray for Glenda, Paul's Mom. She is in need of rest, strength, and peace of mind during this difficult time.
I was able to get in a good cardio workout last night and again this morning. Paul met me at the gym at 6, and we did the high intensity interval training on the elliptical. It was good! I burned almost 300 calories in 25 minutes...not bad! Paul rocked, he burned well over 300 calories....showoff.
I will meet Paul again tonight at 5pm for our training session. And it is....WEIGH IN DAY, so everyone keep your fingers crossed! I am hoping for more progress.
I am looking forward to the weekend. Ryan, Charlie and I are going to try and get out for a while and enjoy this beautiful weather. Of course, I will still get in my workouts both days as well.
I am starting to feel confident that I will be able to keep this new lifestyle change up after the 12 weeks is over. That has been the most terrifying thing for me...the reality of doing this all by myself. The healthy eating is not difficult for me. Don't get me wrong...I would prefer Mexican food 7 days a week. But I like healthy food, and it is easy for me to eat healthy once I get into the habit. It's the working out that is the HUGE change in my life. And I can actually say for the first time in my life....that I am starting to....maybe a little bit.....beginning to.....become addicted!!!! I have heard crazy rumors of people actually enjoying this...but I always assumed those people were psycho. Who would actually enjoy putting your body through that....on purpose?
But the benefits are unbelievable. I think I am becoming addicted to the results. Pray I can hold on to this feeling, dedication, motivation, and I WILL REACH MY GOALS!!!!
Please pray for Ann, Paul's grandmother. She lives with Paul's parents. She took a turn for the worse last weekend and this week suffered a stroke, and is in the hospital. She is in need of prayer for healing and comfort. Please also pray for Glenda, Paul's Mom. She is in need of rest, strength, and peace of mind during this difficult time.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
April Fools FUN
Let me start by saying that Monday's workout with Paul was a killer...I didn't even make it home to throw up. Fortunately I made it to the locker room! Yesterday evening I got in an hour of cardio. All was going well....until
This morning when I arrived at work I was trying to think up great April Fools jokes to play on everyone. I am always the gullible one, falling for everything...always being fooled. Well, not this year!!! I had the great idea to text Paul and pretend I broke my leg! I thought it was going to be so funny...I was even worried he might not believe me because it sounded so ridiculous. And because I can never pull anything like that off, I am not a good liar. Well he fell for it and I did pull it off...and in a matter of 20 minutes, it spread like wildfire! Basically Paul read my text and then told David (Marethouse) who called Sterling who canceled meetings to go to the hospital!!! What a mess!!! I meant to play a silly joke on Paul...just Paul. And I received calls from Karen, Dani, Sterling....
I am actually fearing for my life this afternoon when I get to the gym for my workout. So if I don't blog tomorrow, you will all know what happened, Paul killed me. :)
This morning when I arrived at work I was trying to think up great April Fools jokes to play on everyone. I am always the gullible one, falling for everything...always being fooled. Well, not this year!!! I had the great idea to text Paul and pretend I broke my leg! I thought it was going to be so funny...I was even worried he might not believe me because it sounded so ridiculous. And because I can never pull anything like that off, I am not a good liar. Well he fell for it and I did pull it off...and in a matter of 20 minutes, it spread like wildfire! Basically Paul read my text and then told David (Marethouse) who called Sterling who canceled meetings to go to the hospital!!! What a mess!!! I meant to play a silly joke on Paul...just Paul. And I received calls from Karen, Dani, Sterling....
I am actually fearing for my life this afternoon when I get to the gym for my workout. So if I don't blog tomorrow, you will all know what happened, Paul killed me. :)
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