Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Making a move...

For all of those...12 people following...LOL...
I have stopped blogging on Marethouse Mama for a while now. I was having writer's block big time, when trying to think of things to blog about.
It is so crazy to think this time last year, I was a week away from winning the Marethouse Fitness Challenge. I have been able to keep 30 pounds off of the 42 that I lost year, and that is something that I have never done....kept weight off.
I owe Marethouse Fitness for teaching me and encouraging me and helping me learn that exercise is the ONLY way to stay healthy and lose weight. I thank God everyday that I was chosen for such an amazing journey.
However, I have decided to start blogging on my family blog for now...
it was time for a change and I have enjoyed writing about the ins and outs of the Farrell Family. I am definitely not finished with my weight loss journey, in fact I know it will be a life long task ahead...but I am ready for it thanks to Marethouse. I shudder to think of where my life would be this year, had I not been chosen.
Thank you Marethouse and thank you again to ALL of my awesome supporters!

If you have interest in following the Farrell

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sick of being SICK!

I didn't make it on Monday to train with Paul. I was going to try my hardest to power through...but on my way home from work, I was feeling so bad and started to run fever...I figured it was best to cancel. Yesterday, I felt worse. Still coughing, fever, sore throat. It seems to be going around. I woke up feeling much better. I plan to meet Paul tonight at Aggieland and get back in gear! I am finally not sore any more, but I am sure Paul can change that, he is so good at that.

The fitness challenge contestants seem to be doing great! I have kept up with their blogs and enjoy reading about their journey.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Ready to Run

I am ashamed to admit how sore I was from last week! But I am feeling much better today in that I am just sick :(
I think I am battling a sinus infection, and I think the germ carrier was my son! I took him to the doctor on Friday, he was incredibly congested and had an ugly ear infection. He seems to be feeling MUCH better, and now I am not feeling so hot.
It is not going to hold me down though! I am headed to the gym after work to meet Paul for week 2. Last week, despite the soreness, it was not bad. I didn't throw up, and can definitely tell that my strength has improved throughout the past year.

...the is random, but I have been thinking about it a lot...I am not nor have I ever been a runner. But I wish I was. I am making a new goal for myself. I want to be able to run. My cardio has always consisted of high intensity elliptical training, stairs, short sprints, etc...I have always had it in my head that I "can't" run. Well...maybe I just haven't tried. After talking with my cousin this weekend, she suggested that I start on the treadmill running for a minute or two...then walking...then running...
I think I am going to try it! Why not, right?! We will see how it goes!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Seriously SORE

Oh man, I woke up this morning and could barely crawl out of bed!!! I am in some serious pain people! I knew I was going to be sore again, but I forgot exactly how bad it was going to be. Holy Moly.
I made it to the gym last night, finally...after 45 minutes of convincing I said he is a little scared of the gym for some reason. He hates being dropped off at the daycare. He is the same way at church too. He freaks out when we drop him off. I don't understand it because he does great at school everyday. The boy is like his mom and doesn't like change! After I bribed him, and pleaded, he FINALLY agreed to get in the car! When we got to the gym, I could tell he was nervous. He kept a tight grip on my leg as we walked in and then the lip started to drop! I walked in and tried to show him all of the sweet people, and fun toys, etc...but he wasn't having it! Thank goodness Jill (the manager at Aggieland) swooped him up and I snuck away. As I made my way upstairs it sounded like the screaming stopped. Good grief! After about 5 minutes I saw Jill walk out of the daycare and gave me the thumbs up and said he was happy. Wheeeew. He is such a mess.
I got in my good cardio workout on the elliptical, and hurried to save the sweet girls in the daycare. When I went to pick him up he was having fun! They have an ADORABLE "little" gym set up in the daycare, along with a lot of other fun toys. They have kiddie size bicycle, treadmill, weights, etc...It is so cute! Charlie said "Look Mommy, I am working out like you!" It seriously cracked me up.
We saw Paul on the way out and Charlie jumped in his arms and told him how he "worked out", he even showed him his muscles. That kid is so funny! But hopefully now he will like coming to the gym, and not cause a scene next time. I am not going to hold my breath!

I meet Paul this evening for my upper body workout. Great.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

One day at a time

Last night I started training again with Paul. I was nervous, but all in all it wasn't that bad! This week we are starting back with only 30 minute sessions and then next week I will move to one hour sessions again. We focused on lower body and started off the fun with leg press. FYI- I still don't enjoy it! We then moved on and I got reacquainted with the stairs. I remember my first experience a year ago with the stairs...not pretty. I could not run up the stairs, it took everything I had to walk up and down them as I grasped the rail because I was not only out of shape but had zero balance in my overweight body. While I still don't look incredibly graceful I am running up and down the stairs and not touching the rails. Don't get me wrong...still huffing and puffing when I finish! We continued on with wall squats and for the grand finale we went to the middle of the gym where I completed 3 sets of 24 lunges....and I didn't collapse! And my 30 minutes was complete!
My goal is to be in the gym everyday the contestants are. In order to pull this off I am going to have to take Charlie back to the gym. Let's just our last experience at the gym was less than enjoyable. He pooped on Dave, then cried the entire time I worked out...I am hoping that time has given him more courage. If not, I am in trouble!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 1 for the New Contestants!

I couldn't help but think about the new contestants this weekend. They officially start their 12 weeks of training today! I think I am nervous for them! I just remember so vividly this day last year for me...
I was so nervous, and anxious I thought I was going to be sick! Haha! I had never really worked out before. I was scared of the gym, scared of personal trainers, nervous I would make a fool out of myself, nervous I would let my friends and family down, just all in all...very anxious about the challenge that was in front of me!!!
Wow was it all worth it. I am starting my training again with Paul this evening as well. I am determined to get down to my goal weight.Something I have wanted to do for about 5 years. I lost 4 pounds last week!
Today, this year, I am feeling confident, I am feeling motivated, and I am excited for my challenge ahead. Ok...I am still a little nervous about the wrath of Paul...but at least I know I will survive!!!
I wanted to reflect on this day last year just to explain how far I have come:

Last year on Feb. 9th 2009 I walked into Aggieland Fitness, weighing 220 pounds, depressed, ashamed, scared to death, for my first workout in the Marethouse Fitness Challenge. Paul was very nice (this was before he got comfortable enough to tell me I ran like a duck), he took my measurements, blood pressure, heart rate, etc...and then we headed out to the gym.
(this is from my blog on the first day of my fitness challenge last year:
Paul was very friendly, and kind, he didn't make me feel uncomfortable at all He explained we were going to warm-up on the treadmill and then we would be working on my legs today. Little did Paul know he had A LOT of work to do!!! I was already winded after my short warm up but trying to hide it from my new fit friend...he lead me over to the leg extensions. I did several sets with ease (or so Paul thought... :) ) he seemed impressed and that made me happy. He was very motivating and positive. On to our next exercise....on a roll, I felt confidence seeping through my veins. He lead me to the middle of the gym (surrounded by what felt like millions of people staring at me!) and he told me that we were going to attempt lunges, 12 down and 12 back. He demonstrated them for me and feeling like a fitness queen already with my new found confidence, I smiled and began lunging.....8 down...really hurting, but all the while smiling....Paul said lets turn around and do 8 back (I guess my smile wasn't fooling him, he could see me sweating and struggling!) I began my journey back, after my 2nd lunge I collapsed! That's right- fell to the floor, legs did not work, in front of the whole gym. I quickly tried to jump up, for one, because I was so embarrassed and for two, because out of the corner of my eye I could see the head trainer running towards me in a panic. Paul grabbed my arms to help me up.....BAM, collapsed again! I couldn't stand, I couldn't get my legs to work! I was mortified....all the while still smiling! I finally was able to get on my feet. Poor, sweet Paul was pale and assured me that I was still doing well. We continued to attempt a few more exercises and at the end of my first hour, I realized this was not going to be easy. In fact, it might be the hardest thing I have ever had to do.

Last year I collapsed on my 8th lunge...I was so out of shape and unhealthy I was exhausted after the warm up. I still have a long way to go, but it is so nice to reflect on how far I have come. Don't get me wrong, tomorrow I will probably be crying because of how much I hurt...but at least I know that I will not collapse...and I will survive...eventually!

Good Luck to all of the new 6 today! I am pulling for you, supporting you, and so proud that you are taking this first step to change your life!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Off to a great start (again)!

I have accomplished my goals this week. I have drank all of my water, exercised everyday, and stayed under 2000 calories everyday....and I must say it feels so good to be back in a healthy routine. And it feels good to be proud of my self again.
I have done strictly cardio everyday this week, each day I have increased my time and intensity. I am pretty sore, but nothing compared to how I will feel next week when Paul gets back at me for slacking off these last few months! I start training with Paul on Monday. We will train twice a week and I will be doing cardio the other 3 days.
I have spoken with several of the new contestants about their approaching fitness challenge. They are very excited and anxious and terrified too! I am not going to lie, it is indeed a CHALLENGE. But I am thrilled to watch and support them through their journey. And they are motivating me too!
I am going to try to enjoy my weekend and I am going to try not to think about my impending doom(Paul) that awaits me on Monday! Just kidding Paul...(not really)