Monday, February 15, 2010

Ready to Run

I am ashamed to admit how sore I was from last week! But I am feeling much better today in that I am just sick :(
I think I am battling a sinus infection, and I think the germ carrier was my son! I took him to the doctor on Friday, he was incredibly congested and had an ugly ear infection. He seems to be feeling MUCH better, and now I am not feeling so hot.
It is not going to hold me down though! I am headed to the gym after work to meet Paul for week 2. Last week, despite the soreness, it was not bad. I didn't throw up, and can definitely tell that my strength has improved throughout the past year.

...the is random, but I have been thinking about it a lot...I am not nor have I ever been a runner. But I wish I was. I am making a new goal for myself. I want to be able to run. My cardio has always consisted of high intensity elliptical training, stairs, short sprints, etc...I have always had it in my head that I "can't" run. Well...maybe I just haven't tried. After talking with my cousin this weekend, she suggested that I start on the treadmill running for a minute or two...then walking...then running...
I think I am going to try it! Why not, right?! We will see how it goes!!


  1. That would be an effective way. Keep trying.

    weight loss

  2. keep trying and wish you all the best!

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