OK...first I need to explain how committed I am to the challenge! On Friday afternoon I received a phone call from a professor that works in my dept. who had been away all week at a conference. He called my office phone around 4pm and told me that he was flying back to College Station and that JASON CASTRO was sitting next to him on the plane! He told me to meet him at the airport to meet him and his band and to get some pictures and autographs...I was so excited....EXCEPT he was landing at 5:15pm. I meet Paul at 5. I told him I couldn't do, I had to workout...I think he was a bit surprised! As was I. Paul wasn't super impressed.
Paul and I had a good workout Friday, I am still trying to gain all of my strength back from being sick, but feeling good. We had another great workout Saturday morning. We did a bunch of things that we had not done before. Which evidently is working because I AM SORE! And I know everyone will be pleased to hear I have a motivational comment from Paul:
"OK, so we have definitely determined you are not a power lifter"
He is sooo sweet, huh?
Ryan and I enjoyed ourselves Saturday night! We met Paul, Karen, Sterling and Jennifer for dinner at Cafe Eccell and it was delicious. I was a good girl and ordered red snapper and grilled vegetables. It was really good...and surprisingly filling. After dinner we headed to the concert. Jason was great! I have never been to Rudder Auditorium for a concert, and it was good and the sound was good...but different. It was a little hard for "concert Ashley" to come out at Rudder Auditorium. So, the good news is that I don't think I embarrassed anyone!
Sunday Charlie woke up with another draining ear infection. I am SO upset. I feel so bad for the little guy. We started the dreaded drops again. I was able to escape to the gym for cardio last night. And I did the high intensity interval training Paul showed me on Saturday. I am encouraged, it really burns calories....FAST!
I will meet Paul this afternoon for our workout, and hopefully get motivation from him. He is so good at it! I actually think he should write a book.
Diet Coke Update: 8 days strong...Wahoo!
(Saturday Sterling decided to come in to the gym with a HUGE fountain drink of diet coke...and then proceeded to open a can of diet coke right next to my ear...I think I might have even felt a drop or two on my cheek. If that wasn't enough he enjoyed THREE diet cokes at dinner Saturday night. I just thought everyone should know that.)
Monday, March 30, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Making Progress
I LOST 4 POUNDS THIS WEEK!!!! I know it doesn't sound like much, but I have been barely losing...and I am HAPPY with any number bigger than one! The only thing I have changed this week is: I have cut my calories down a little bit, and as I have mentioned once or twice or ten times...I QUIT THE DIET COKE. Maybe it does make a difference?!
I worked out last night for an hour and a half. I did some good cardio on the elliptical. I was also able to make it to the gym at 5am this morning for a little more cardio. I am looking forward to my workout with Paul this afternoon, hopefully I wont regret saying that! I feel almost 100% recovered from my strep throat, so that is good news! I could feel that I had more strength and endurance last night. Paul and I are also meeting at 8 in the morning to make up for the workout I missed on Monday.
Tomorrow night Sterling, his girlfriend Jennifer, Ryan, myself, and possibly Paul and his date will be going to the JASON CASTRO concert. For those of you who are living in a black hole...Jason Castro was a finalist on American Idol last season. I am a SUPER FAN! And I am super excited. Jason went to school at Texas A&M, and so his first stop on his first tour...is good ole College Station. I am the only super fan in the group I am going with, hopefully I won't embarrass them, but I am not making any promises!
I worked out last night for an hour and a half. I did some good cardio on the elliptical. I was also able to make it to the gym at 5am this morning for a little more cardio. I am looking forward to my workout with Paul this afternoon, hopefully I wont regret saying that! I feel almost 100% recovered from my strep throat, so that is good news! I could feel that I had more strength and endurance last night. Paul and I are also meeting at 8 in the morning to make up for the workout I missed on Monday.
Tomorrow night Sterling, his girlfriend Jennifer, Ryan, myself, and possibly Paul and his date will be going to the JASON CASTRO concert. For those of you who are living in a black hole...Jason Castro was a finalist on American Idol last season. I am a SUPER FAN! And I am super excited. Jason went to school at Texas A&M, and so his first stop on his first tour...is good ole College Station. I am the only super fan in the group I am going with, hopefully I won't embarrass them, but I am not making any promises!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Ode to Sterling...
Sterling Martin Allen is the greatest, he not only went 2 hours on the elliptical at an incline of 10...he is unbeatable...a machine in the gym!!!!!!
Regaining my Strength
My workout yesterday with Paul was good. Being sick really wipes you out...it is crazy. I was struggling. But Paul took it easy (easier) on me and told me not to worry, that my strength would come back quick. I will do some cardio this evening on my own and get a 5am workout in the morning and then another 5 pm workout tomorrow with Paul. We will make up our missed workout from Monday on Saturday morning at 8. And hopefully by then I will back up to FULL speed!
I can't believe tomorrow is already weigh in day!!!! I am really anxious to see if sacrificing my beloved diet coke makes any difference. I know it is not good for me, and ultimately beneficial for me to give up the caffeine completely. BUT man....it is HARD!!!! For the first time this week, I actually don't have a headache, so I am hoping they have subsided. Yesterday afternoon, I think I would have paid a million dollars for a diet coke....but the moments passed and I am still alive to talk about it!!!
Prayer Requests:
- NO DIET COKE or caffeine
- My strength to come back quickly
- For Charlie and Ryan to stay healthy and not catch the funk
- My competitors to fumble and give me the point lead (sorry....not very christian like...)
I can't believe tomorrow is already weigh in day!!!! I am really anxious to see if sacrificing my beloved diet coke makes any difference. I know it is not good for me, and ultimately beneficial for me to give up the caffeine completely. BUT man....it is HARD!!!! For the first time this week, I actually don't have a headache, so I am hoping they have subsided. Yesterday afternoon, I think I would have paid a million dollars for a diet coke....but the moments passed and I am still alive to talk about it!!!
Prayer Requests:
- NO DIET COKE or caffeine
- My strength to come back quickly
- For Charlie and Ryan to stay healthy and not catch the funk
- My competitors to fumble and give me the point lead (sorry....not very christian like...)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
No Diet Coke and Strep Throat....
OK...so the good news is: I have been off DIET COKE for three days....and I am still alive!
The bad news is that I came down with strep throat....not good.
Sunday evening, I went to the gym and made myself finish an hour on the treadmill. I wasn't feeling great, but I thought I was just tired. Monday morning, I made myself get up and to the gym by 5:15am. I was very achy and could hardly swallow. I thought maybe because...it was 5am! I struggled through 45 minutes on the elliptical. When I left the gym, I felt worse. I could hardly swallow or move my neck. I was achy all over. I thought for sure I might have the flu. When I got home, I took my temp...102. Not good, this is not what I needed to kick butt in the gym this week!!! All I could think about was working out! Who am I?! I put in a call to the doctor and before they called me back, I headed up to urgent care. Not the flu, strep throat...the doctor must have thought I was crazy, because I told him I had to get better FAST. He gave me a shot and a strong antibiotic and said that I did need to take it easy for a couple days or I would have a relapse. Ugh..
I talked to Paul and he agreed with the doctor. I was bummed! Paul also said that he would be calling my work and checking with my supervisor and co-workers regarding the diet coke issue! Hard core? I told him I HAVE NOT HAD ANY FREAKING DIET COKE!!!!
My husband was a super hero and took care of Charlie while I was sick. Charlie was only able to escape into the bedroom two or three times to jump on top of me and say...."Mommy get up, Mommy get up....Mommy NOT sick....get up Mommy!!!"
I am back at work this morning, and feeling much better. I plan to meet Paul at 5 for our workout. Hopefully he will not make up for lost time! I am looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. And Paul and I are going to make up our missed workout sometime this weekend.
The bad news is that I came down with strep throat....not good.
Sunday evening, I went to the gym and made myself finish an hour on the treadmill. I wasn't feeling great, but I thought I was just tired. Monday morning, I made myself get up and to the gym by 5:15am. I was very achy and could hardly swallow. I thought maybe because...it was 5am! I struggled through 45 minutes on the elliptical. When I left the gym, I felt worse. I could hardly swallow or move my neck. I was achy all over. I thought for sure I might have the flu. When I got home, I took my temp...102. Not good, this is not what I needed to kick butt in the gym this week!!! All I could think about was working out! Who am I?! I put in a call to the doctor and before they called me back, I headed up to urgent care. Not the flu, strep throat...the doctor must have thought I was crazy, because I told him I had to get better FAST. He gave me a shot and a strong antibiotic and said that I did need to take it easy for a couple days or I would have a relapse. Ugh..
I talked to Paul and he agreed with the doctor. I was bummed! Paul also said that he would be calling my work and checking with my supervisor and co-workers regarding the diet coke issue! Hard core? I told him I HAVE NOT HAD ANY FREAKING DIET COKE!!!!
My husband was a super hero and took care of Charlie while I was sick. Charlie was only able to escape into the bedroom two or three times to jump on top of me and say...."Mommy get up, Mommy get up....Mommy NOT sick....get up Mommy!!!"
I am back at work this morning, and feeling much better. I plan to meet Paul at 5 for our workout. Hopefully he will not make up for lost time! I am looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. And Paul and I are going to make up our missed workout sometime this weekend.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Ups and Downs
Today was a long day....full of ups and downs. I was off of work today for Spring Break, only one day off on spring break...but I will take it! It was a gorgeous day. I spent the morning with my mother-n-law and Charlie at the Antique Rose Emporium in Independence, TX. My mother-n-law is a local photographer in College Station. We dressed Charlie in his white pearl snap and cowboy hat and boots and she took some great pictures of him in the bluebonnets. She also got him in action as he toured the Rose Emporium. I will post pictures soon!
I met Paul at the gym early today around 2:30. It is weigh in day, and when I arrived and put my things away I anxiously hopped on the scale. The verdict was another measly pound. I have to admit, I was very dispointed. I know the weight is coming off at a slow pace, and that is good. It is just hard to swallow when I am putting in 10 hours a week at the gym and following my diet so well. I have also really let the "points" stress me out lately. I am so OBSESSED with holding on to second place, it was making me crazy. I guess I have never really had this freaky competitive streak before, and it has been a little out of control. I have spent so much time worrying and obsessing over Eaphrame's points...it really isn't healthy! When I walked into the Marethouse office, Paul knew immediately that I was not pleased. He assured me I was doing great, that I was the only competitor that has consistently lost every week, that was eating right, etc... For some reason, I was really upset. I was frustrated. I hate that I was feeling that way. I don't like to show that kind of negative emotion at the gym, when this opportunity that I have been given is something to only be positive about. But I couldn't hide my feelings today. I even had to swallow hard to hold back tears....what a loser huh?! My blood pressure was high, my pulse was high. Not good. The office was full of people, so Paul got up and took me outside to take some deep breaths and talk about my concerns. I told him that I didn't know why I was acting or feeling this way. I explained my unhealthy obsession with the points! I also finally confessed my biggest vice....diet coke. Paul forbid any carbonated drinks 6 weeks ago when we started. I conveniently have left it off my food journal each week, thinking that it really wouldn't hurt...no calories, right? WRONG. I felt guilty, I told him. He wasn't happy. We had a good talk, we agreed that I would quit the diet coke (starting monday...as I sip my 32oz...while I am typing). I am hoping this will help my weight loss. It will be a rough week, I will have advil on hand for the caffiene headaches, but I will do it. I have to. I have done all of these things that I never thought I could do, I can stop drinking diet coke. I dont think I was strong enough 6 weeks ago to let go of this addiction, but I am motivated enough right now...I can do anything. Paul and I also agreed that I needed to focus on ME...not the points, not Eaphrame, Sterling....or anyone else. He doesnt want me doing crazy 4 hour workouts. He wants me doing realistic time in the gym, a realistic schedule that I will be able to sustain even after this 12 weeks is over. This is a journey and lifestyle change and will not end at the end of the competition. I need to be forming habits that I can keep. After our talk, I felt much better. He has a way of calming me down. And no tears. :)
Unfortunately he punished me for the closet diet coke addiciton and put me through a TOUGH workout! But I did feel good after I left!
Ryan, Charlie and I met the family for dinner at Casa Rod to celebrate my mother-n-laws birthday. After my spirits were lifted, it was actually easy for me not to eat chips and make healthy choices and stick with my diet. It felt good.
Sorry for the long sob story....promise to be only POSITIVE from now on!!!!
I met Paul at the gym early today around 2:30. It is weigh in day, and when I arrived and put my things away I anxiously hopped on the scale. The verdict was another measly pound. I have to admit, I was very dispointed. I know the weight is coming off at a slow pace, and that is good. It is just hard to swallow when I am putting in 10 hours a week at the gym and following my diet so well. I have also really let the "points" stress me out lately. I am so OBSESSED with holding on to second place, it was making me crazy. I guess I have never really had this freaky competitive streak before, and it has been a little out of control. I have spent so much time worrying and obsessing over Eaphrame's points...it really isn't healthy! When I walked into the Marethouse office, Paul knew immediately that I was not pleased. He assured me I was doing great, that I was the only competitor that has consistently lost every week, that was eating right, etc... For some reason, I was really upset. I was frustrated. I hate that I was feeling that way. I don't like to show that kind of negative emotion at the gym, when this opportunity that I have been given is something to only be positive about. But I couldn't hide my feelings today. I even had to swallow hard to hold back tears....what a loser huh?! My blood pressure was high, my pulse was high. Not good. The office was full of people, so Paul got up and took me outside to take some deep breaths and talk about my concerns. I told him that I didn't know why I was acting or feeling this way. I explained my unhealthy obsession with the points! I also finally confessed my biggest vice....diet coke. Paul forbid any carbonated drinks 6 weeks ago when we started. I conveniently have left it off my food journal each week, thinking that it really wouldn't hurt...no calories, right? WRONG. I felt guilty, I told him. He wasn't happy. We had a good talk, we agreed that I would quit the diet coke (starting monday...as I sip my 32oz...while I am typing). I am hoping this will help my weight loss. It will be a rough week, I will have advil on hand for the caffiene headaches, but I will do it. I have to. I have done all of these things that I never thought I could do, I can stop drinking diet coke. I dont think I was strong enough 6 weeks ago to let go of this addiction, but I am motivated enough right now...I can do anything. Paul and I also agreed that I needed to focus on ME...not the points, not Eaphrame, Sterling....or anyone else. He doesnt want me doing crazy 4 hour workouts. He wants me doing realistic time in the gym, a realistic schedule that I will be able to sustain even after this 12 weeks is over. This is a journey and lifestyle change and will not end at the end of the competition. I need to be forming habits that I can keep. After our talk, I felt much better. He has a way of calming me down. And no tears. :)
Unfortunately he punished me for the closet diet coke addiciton and put me through a TOUGH workout! But I did feel good after I left!
Ryan, Charlie and I met the family for dinner at Casa Rod to celebrate my mother-n-laws birthday. After my spirits were lifted, it was actually easy for me not to eat chips and make healthy choices and stick with my diet. It felt good.
Sorry for the long sob story....promise to be only POSITIVE from now on!!!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Ashley's Got her Groove Back!
I am out of my funk, and back to being motivated! Thanks to everyone for all of their support. As soon as I walked in the gym yesterday David (Marethouse) jumped on my back...FYI- he is crazy! It was a nice welcome though! I went to put my stuff away and met Paul in the office. Paul was in a great mood which I have said before makes me nervous sometimes...but it's usually a good thing. It was our "outside" day. I like outside day, but Paul works me to death. AND don't worry, he didn't disappoint. I keep thinking that the workouts can't get harder and they KEEP GETTING HARDER!!! It was a beautiful day and the best part was that Paul put together a texas country mix for us to listen to. Paul and I LOVE country music and everyone else pretty much gives us a hard time for it. But I think it really helped me yesterday....pumped me up and I pushed myself hard. Almost too hard. I thought I was going to throw up....but I made it. Our last set Paul asked me if I wanted to quit and go in, I told him I AM NO QUITTER! Although I truthfully wanted to quit. I wanted to throw up and quit. But I didn't. I finished.
I think in my previous post I gave Paul a bad name from some of his "motivational" comments...let me set the record straight. He is AWESOME. He tells me constantly how much I am improving and how proud he is of me. He knows that I need the attention! BUT...we are quite comfortable with eachother now, so he does like to slip in the occasional comments that are less than complimentary! He thinks he is really funny, and I make sure and tell him HE IS NOT!
Yesterdays "motivational" comment for the day...."Ashley, its not actually jumping when your feet don't come off the ground".....nice huh?! For your information Paul --I have a lot to lift off the ground!!!
It is exciting to see my progress outside. Although it is incredibly tough. I am recovering between exercises a lot faster. I am able to practice better form on my exercises, and I am able to attempt more challenging exercises. I think it was exactly what I needed yesterday, I am offically out of my funk. And my competitive juices are flowing again...I WANT TO WIN.
Another side note....just because it has been on my mind. I have the most wonderful husband in the world. He has been more than supportive through this journey than I ever thought possible. Not only has he stepped up his game at home...helping a ton with Charlie and housework....he listens to me talk non-stop about my progress or concerns. He has been nothing but positive and cheering me on every step of the way. It has brought us closer and I appreciate him so much for that. He knows how important this is to me, and I think he is proud to see me so passionate about something. He has always been active...hunting, fishing, golf, softball,working out, etc...he leads a fun life! It has been hard for me in the past to feel like my extra curricular activities only included laundry and changing diapers. My new lifestyle change is helping my self confidence, making me a better and more active mom and wife, and opeing avenues for me to enjoy life.
I think in my previous post I gave Paul a bad name from some of his "motivational" comments...let me set the record straight. He is AWESOME. He tells me constantly how much I am improving and how proud he is of me. He knows that I need the attention! BUT...we are quite comfortable with eachother now, so he does like to slip in the occasional comments that are less than complimentary! He thinks he is really funny, and I make sure and tell him HE IS NOT!
Yesterdays "motivational" comment for the day...."Ashley, its not actually jumping when your feet don't come off the ground".....nice huh?! For your information Paul --I have a lot to lift off the ground!!!
It is exciting to see my progress outside. Although it is incredibly tough. I am recovering between exercises a lot faster. I am able to practice better form on my exercises, and I am able to attempt more challenging exercises. I think it was exactly what I needed yesterday, I am offically out of my funk. And my competitive juices are flowing again...I WANT TO WIN.
Another side note....just because it has been on my mind. I have the most wonderful husband in the world. He has been more than supportive through this journey than I ever thought possible. Not only has he stepped up his game at home...helping a ton with Charlie and housework....he listens to me talk non-stop about my progress or concerns. He has been nothing but positive and cheering me on every step of the way. It has brought us closer and I appreciate him so much for that. He knows how important this is to me, and I think he is proud to see me so passionate about something. He has always been active...hunting, fishing, golf, softball,working out, etc...he leads a fun life! It has been hard for me in the past to feel like my extra curricular activities only included laundry and changing diapers. My new lifestyle change is helping my self confidence, making me a better and more active mom and wife, and opeing avenues for me to enjoy life.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Like looking in the mirror...
Here is a clip from "The Biggest Loser"...it is me and Sterling to a tee!!! Sterling sent this to me this morning and asked if it reminded me of anyone???!!! I had to post it for all to enjoy!
Happy St. Patty's Day
No green beer, no parties....not that I normally celebrate St. Patrick's Day that way! But this year my green spirit consisted of avocado (with brown rice of course...), salads, and envy for the 3rd place point holder that is on my heels!
Unfortunately Charlie decided to wake up around 3 this morning and my 5 am workout went down the tubes... I am taking him this afternoon for a check up with the ENT to make sure the infection has cleared in his ears. Poor little guy can't seem to get over this.
I made it to the gym last night for a great cardio workout, an hour and fifteen minutes on the elliptical. I am actually pretty sore this morning. I am looking forward to another great workout with Paul this afternoon. And hopefully if my strength holds up, I will be able to put in another hour after our workout tonight as well.
Sterling is still in a comfortable lead in the points. I am holding on to 2nd place right now for dear life! Eaphrame is on my heels! I beat him the week before last by a point and a half and this week I have a 4 point lead. I also need to mention that he has hit some sort of an energy rush and has already put in 6 hours in the gym this week as of yesterday!!!! I have only put in three. SO....I have some work to do, I can't lose my 2nd place standing.
In the past couple of days I have began to feel I have hit a wall in the motivation department. I am dragging. I am finding it hard to get to the gym, I am still working my tail off and getting there...but finding it very hard. I have been working harder than I have ever worked in my life and the weight is coming off at a super slow pace. Which I know is good and the healthy way...but it is easier said than done. When you are surrounded by shows like "The Biggest Loser" and people are dropping double digit weight loss each week, it feels like I should be putting up bigger numbers than 2 pounds per week. I am having a pity party...I know I am. I will keep trucking and keep giving it my all. I know this journey will not be over at the end of 12 weeks. I know that it took my a long time to put all of this weight on and it will take a while to work it all off. But I will get there. I am strong, stronger than I ever thought. I have the support and the will power to achieve this, I just have to keep going.
Perhaps what has made these last few days more difficult is seeing my biggest competitor (new favorite workout partner and motivator), Sterling, struggle too. You would think this would make me happy...but it doesn't. Sterling had a very rough day yesterday and fell off the diet and made some bad food choices. He was very down on himself last night and it broke my heart. I tried to be motivating and cheer him up, but he is not very good at listening to me! He is a leader, the motivator, and I realized more than ever how much he helps me. He is a great cheerleader and with him so down, it made it hard for me to get out of my funk too.
Prayer Requests Today:
- Pray for my 4 year-old nephew, Nathan he is having his 2nd set of tubes put in his ears this morning
- Pray for Charlie to receive good news from the ENT, and for the healing of his infection
- Pray for 5 am workouts....BIGTIME
- Pray for motivation and positive thinking
- Pray for Sterling to forgive himself for his one day of bad choices, to learn from his mistakes and jump back on the bandwagon, and start motivating me again!!!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
I was able to get to the gym this evening and put in an hour and a half. Hopefully it will be enough to hold on to 2nd place. Sterling was up there too...of course. We were both having rough days. I think we worked ourselves so much this weekend, we were really dragging yesterday. I swear I felt like I had been drugged yesterday, I could hardly keep my eyes open all day, and just felt....blah. The weather didn't help either I'm sure. I am ready for some sunshine!!!
Although Sterling and I were "debbie downers" yesterday our convo was hilarious and I thought I should share: (he put it on his blog as well)
We came up with our favorite Top 5 foods that are sure to take years off your life! Keep in mind, these are the types of foods we were eating before we began this journey....no wonder we were picked!
5) El Mobley- from Casa Rod - Large plate of mexican rice, topped with beef and chicken fajita meat, grilled onions, covered in queso, and sliced avocado....served with flour tortillas
4) Chicken Strips w/ gravy - from Chicken Express - served with FRIED okra, mashed potatoes and GRAVY...oh, and a buttery biscuit
3) Chicken Milano - from Boston's - Bow tie pasta tossed with chicken strips, roasted garlic, sautéed red onions, fresh basil, mushrooms and fresh Parmesan in a rosemary-sage CREAM sauce
2) Pepperoni Rolls - from Double Daves - Pizza dough rolled up filled with mozzarella cheese and pepperoni and grease....mmmmm...and FYI, Tuesdays are buy one, get one free :)
1) Craw fish Enchiladas - from Ninfa's - two or three enchiladas filled and covered with cheese, cheese, and more cheese...and craw fish, served of course with rice, beans....a basket of chips and yummy green sauce...of course with queso too...
OK, I am now #1...hungry, and #2 completely disgusted with myself! The sad part was it was hard for me to list just 5 things! Yuck.
I am also going to post one of my favorite classic prayers, that applies to me DAILY...no matter what mood I am in. I think it also hits home for a lot of other people, no matter what your struggles are.
May today I have peace within.
May I trust that I am exactly where I am meant to be.
May I not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May I use my gifts that I have received, and pass on the love that has been given to me.
May I be content with my self just the way I am.
May I let this knowledge settle into my bones, and allow my soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. (and workout!)
Although Sterling and I were "debbie downers" yesterday our convo was hilarious and I thought I should share: (he put it on his blog as well)
We came up with our favorite Top 5 foods that are sure to take years off your life! Keep in mind, these are the types of foods we were eating before we began this journey....no wonder we were picked!
5) El Mobley- from Casa Rod - Large plate of mexican rice, topped with beef and chicken fajita meat, grilled onions, covered in queso, and sliced avocado....served with flour tortillas
4) Chicken Strips w/ gravy - from Chicken Express - served with FRIED okra, mashed potatoes and GRAVY...oh, and a buttery biscuit
3) Chicken Milano - from Boston's - Bow tie pasta tossed with chicken strips, roasted garlic, sautéed red onions, fresh basil, mushrooms and fresh Parmesan in a rosemary-sage CREAM sauce
2) Pepperoni Rolls - from Double Daves - Pizza dough rolled up filled with mozzarella cheese and pepperoni and grease....mmmmm...and FYI, Tuesdays are buy one, get one free :)
1) Craw fish Enchiladas - from Ninfa's - two or three enchiladas filled and covered with cheese, cheese, and more cheese...and craw fish, served of course with rice, beans....a basket of chips and yummy green sauce...of course with queso too...
OK, I am now #1...hungry, and #2 completely disgusted with myself! The sad part was it was hard for me to list just 5 things! Yuck.
I am also going to post one of my favorite classic prayers, that applies to me DAILY...no matter what mood I am in. I think it also hits home for a lot of other people, no matter what your struggles are.
May today I have peace within.
May I trust that I am exactly where I am meant to be.
May I not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May I use my gifts that I have received, and pass on the love that has been given to me.
May I be content with my self just the way I am.
May I let this knowledge settle into my bones, and allow my soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. (and workout!)
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Making Progress...and working hard!
It has been an eventful couple of days! Yesterday after work I met Paul for my workout. He took my measurements, body fat % and blood pressure before we got started. And although I have only lost a pound this week, my measurements brought a smile to my face! I have lost 4 inches in my waist, I have lost an inch of each leg, and 3 inches in my hips. I still have a long way to go, but the measurements fueled motivation and I was proud of my progress after 4 1/2 weeks in the fitness challenge.
Paul proceeded to put me through a grueling workout. I was winded to say the least when we finally finished! It was a great workout. I was finishing up my last set when Sterling hobbled into the gym. I tried not to notice, but my heart broke for him as I saw how much pain he was in as he limped to a machine. What a trooper. David followed closely behind him and I heard him telling Sterling that he did not think it was a good idea to workout today, that he really needed to take it easy. Sterling was not listening, he asked for help and held on to Davids shoulders as he struggled to even sit on a machine.....I looked over and dropped my lip, I felt so bad for him, he looked like he was in SO much pain......THEN he jumped up in the air and yelled "JUST KIDDING!! I AM FINE! MY KNEE FEELS FINE!".....David and Paul broke out into laughter...the joke was on me. He was fine, he just wanted to see the horror and guilty look on my face!!! NOT FUNNY. I fall for everything.
After my workout, Sterling invited Ryan and I to join he and Jennifer, David Marethouse, and his girlfriend (another awesome trainer) Lindy, and Lindy's two daughters at Ninfa's. I am so glad we did, we had a blast! I don't think Ryan and I stopped laughing between Sterling and Madison (Lindy's oldest daughter) telling their funny jokes! From Ninfa's we went to Grand Station and enjoyed a game of laser tag and bowling. AND FOR THE RECORD....I BEAT STERLING IN BOWLING BIGTIME!!!!!! He was disgusted, and the victory was SWEET!!!!!
Sterling and I met at the gym this morning at 9. He was actually there at 8, but you now how he is....likes to one up me. We put in another awesome workout. And 3 1/2 hours later....we were finished. I just hope it is enough to clinch second place for another week. I plan to put in at least another hour of cardio tomorrow.
Monday will begin Week 6....can't believe it.....
Paul proceeded to put me through a grueling workout. I was winded to say the least when we finally finished! It was a great workout. I was finishing up my last set when Sterling hobbled into the gym. I tried not to notice, but my heart broke for him as I saw how much pain he was in as he limped to a machine. What a trooper. David followed closely behind him and I heard him telling Sterling that he did not think it was a good idea to workout today, that he really needed to take it easy. Sterling was not listening, he asked for help and held on to Davids shoulders as he struggled to even sit on a machine.....I looked over and dropped my lip, I felt so bad for him, he looked like he was in SO much pain......THEN he jumped up in the air and yelled "JUST KIDDING!! I AM FINE! MY KNEE FEELS FINE!".....David and Paul broke out into laughter...the joke was on me. He was fine, he just wanted to see the horror and guilty look on my face!!! NOT FUNNY. I fall for everything.
After my workout, Sterling invited Ryan and I to join he and Jennifer, David Marethouse, and his girlfriend (another awesome trainer) Lindy, and Lindy's two daughters at Ninfa's. I am so glad we did, we had a blast! I don't think Ryan and I stopped laughing between Sterling and Madison (Lindy's oldest daughter) telling their funny jokes! From Ninfa's we went to Grand Station and enjoyed a game of laser tag and bowling. AND FOR THE RECORD....I BEAT STERLING IN BOWLING BIGTIME!!!!!! He was disgusted, and the victory was SWEET!!!!!
Sterling and I met at the gym this morning at 9. He was actually there at 8, but you now how he is....likes to one up me. We put in another awesome workout. And 3 1/2 hours later....we were finished. I just hope it is enough to clinch second place for another week. I plan to put in at least another hour of cardio tomorrow.
Monday will begin Week 6....can't believe it.....
Friday, March 13, 2009
Finally Friday...
It has been a long week! Charlie is feeling a lot better, except for his right ear is now draining, so I think we have an infection in that one now....ugh. But Mimi (my mom) insisted on stealing him for a couple of days and so we met her last night to pick him up. He was super excited...anything goes at Mimi and Poppa's house! I will pick him up tomorrow, and it should only take a week to un-spoil him from the weekend!!! I am so grateful to have them close, Charlie adores his grandparents.
After I met my mom, I went to the gym to meet Sterling for our workout. We did a great combination of arm, leg, and heart rate increasing exercises, finishing each set with 10 minutes on the elliptical. The smack talking was flying as usual (although at times I was too winded to even give him a hard time!). He really pushes me when it comes to the upper body exercises, I am SO weak! And I push him a little more on the cardio. We are a good balance and great motivators for each other. Unfortunately I made a bad judgment call and wanted to finish one of our sets with "step ups". Sterling has knee problems, and I should have been more attentive to that. Instead I told him...come on...lets do it! Of course, he never backs down from a challenge and on the third one, his knee gave out. He bent over in pain and quickly made it over to the bench. My stomach dropped. I felt terrible. Sterling being the kind of guy that he is...instructed me to finish my set. I did, and then went to find Dave to take a look at his knee. It was already swelling. He put ice on it and we are hoping it is just a sprain. I felt so bad for him and guilty I had pushed him, I was sick. I truly didnt really want the poor guy to get injured!!!
Hopefully I will have a positive knee injury update to report tomorrow! I need my workout partner back!!!
Tonight, I don't know what Paul has in store for me. I am looking forward to getting my measurements taken to find out what kind of progress I am making. I plan to put in a full weekend at the gym. Sterling and I planned to meet at 8 (depending on his condition) and working tomorrow for a few hours. Then I will put in a good hour on Sunday too. I have to hold on to my second place and work as hard as I can....I have competitors on my heels!
Please continue to pray and support me through this journey. I am almost half way finished (although I know it is only the beginning!) And please pray for Sterling, pray for the healing of his knee and for the lifting of his spirits. I need my motivator and workout buddy back!
Pray for all of us who are on this journey together, and remind us how lucky we all are to get this opportunity to change our life.
After I met my mom, I went to the gym to meet Sterling for our workout. We did a great combination of arm, leg, and heart rate increasing exercises, finishing each set with 10 minutes on the elliptical. The smack talking was flying as usual (although at times I was too winded to even give him a hard time!). He really pushes me when it comes to the upper body exercises, I am SO weak! And I push him a little more on the cardio. We are a good balance and great motivators for each other. Unfortunately I made a bad judgment call and wanted to finish one of our sets with "step ups". Sterling has knee problems, and I should have been more attentive to that. Instead I told him...come on...lets do it! Of course, he never backs down from a challenge and on the third one, his knee gave out. He bent over in pain and quickly made it over to the bench. My stomach dropped. I felt terrible. Sterling being the kind of guy that he is...instructed me to finish my set. I did, and then went to find Dave to take a look at his knee. It was already swelling. He put ice on it and we are hoping it is just a sprain. I felt so bad for him and guilty I had pushed him, I was sick. I truly didnt really want the poor guy to get injured!!!
Hopefully I will have a positive knee injury update to report tomorrow! I need my workout partner back!!!
Tonight, I don't know what Paul has in store for me. I am looking forward to getting my measurements taken to find out what kind of progress I am making. I plan to put in a full weekend at the gym. Sterling and I planned to meet at 8 (depending on his condition) and working tomorrow for a few hours. Then I will put in a good hour on Sunday too. I have to hold on to my second place and work as hard as I can....I have competitors on my heels!
Please continue to pray and support me through this journey. I am almost half way finished (although I know it is only the beginning!) And please pray for Sterling, pray for the healing of his knee and for the lifting of his spirits. I need my motivator and workout buddy back!
Pray for all of us who are on this journey together, and remind us how lucky we all are to get this opportunity to change our life.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Abandoned Blog, NOT workouts
I have abandoned my blog for the last three days...not to worry, I have NOT abandoned my work outs! Monday Paul and I had a great workout. Tuesday I was able to get in a 5 am workout AND another hour Tuesday evening as well. Paul called on Tuesday with the points update, it seems I am only in second place by the skin of my teeth!!!! I have to step it up a notch if I want to hold on to 2nd. Sterling has now jumped ahead over 100 points. He is unbelievable. However he deserves every point. He works his tail off....
I have not updated in a couple of days because Charlie has been sick, he had another ear infection! My mom came up and stayed with him on Tuesday and I stayed home with him yesterday. Although he was sick, he was a very sweet boy for me and we enjoyed our day together. I got a lot done around the house that has been lacking due to my sore muscles! But before I knew it, I was due at the gym for my 5pm workout. Paul had a huge smirk on his face when I came in...which usually means one thing...he has torture in store for me! And I was right! We did a few exercises in the gym, then headed outdoors. (Never FUN!) He had me doing a ton of squats, lunges, sprints, etc...I was dying! But I guess that means it was good for me.
Here are a few sweet moments from my motivational trainer, Paul, yesterday:
- "Move your arms when you skip, like you are running.....not so goofy though!"
- "When we started this set, I didn't think there was any way you would finish..."
- "You run like a duck...."
I am so lucky, huh?! Just kidding! He really is positive too!Poor Paul has his hands full dealing with me. And he is doing great. Yesterday it was amazing how fast I was recovering and catching my breath after each exercise. Paul said that my body is becoming better conditioned. I am going to meet Sterling at the gym tonight to get in a hard workout and then I will see Paul again tomorrow for some more fun! He will be taking all of my measurements tomorrow, and I am really looking forward to that. Hopefully I will see some great results!
I have not updated in a couple of days because Charlie has been sick, he had another ear infection! My mom came up and stayed with him on Tuesday and I stayed home with him yesterday. Although he was sick, he was a very sweet boy for me and we enjoyed our day together. I got a lot done around the house that has been lacking due to my sore muscles! But before I knew it, I was due at the gym for my 5pm workout. Paul had a huge smirk on his face when I came in...which usually means one thing...he has torture in store for me! And I was right! We did a few exercises in the gym, then headed outdoors. (Never FUN!) He had me doing a ton of squats, lunges, sprints, etc...I was dying! But I guess that means it was good for me.
Here are a few sweet moments from my motivational trainer, Paul, yesterday:
- "Move your arms when you skip, like you are running.....not so goofy though!"
- "When we started this set, I didn't think there was any way you would finish..."
- "You run like a duck...."
I am so lucky, huh?! Just kidding! He really is positive too!Poor Paul has his hands full dealing with me. And he is doing great. Yesterday it was amazing how fast I was recovering and catching my breath after each exercise. Paul said that my body is becoming better conditioned. I am going to meet Sterling at the gym tonight to get in a hard workout and then I will see Paul again tomorrow for some more fun! He will be taking all of my measurements tomorrow, and I am really looking forward to that. Hopefully I will see some great results!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Ruff Day
Yesterday evening we celebrated Ryan's grandmother's birthday....at CASA ROD. That's right, my favorite mexican food restaurant. And are you ready for this??? Drum roll please......
I did not eat ONE chip, I did not eat one drop of queso(which the table had three orders of), or one tortilla....I ate grilled chicken, lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, and avocado. That is it!!!!!
AND one more thing.....NO CAKE either. Did I mention that I bought the cake (with the good icing) and it looked amazing???
OH AND I went and worked out after we got home too!
Thank you for all of your prayers and support, it is working!!!!
P.S. If you are wondering why Charlie is wearing cowboy boots with shorts....
We pick and choose our battles with him these days, he threw a huge fit and refused to let us put any other shoes on his feet! I love two year olds!!!!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Super Saturday!
Yesterday evening went well. My body fat is down another percent and I have dropped another pound too. Paul has me up to 2,000 calories a day and it is actually really working. We had a tough workout and he incorporated some new exercises that were tough! And the best news is that I didnt throw up! Paul will probably be disapointed in that, but I you know I can't please him all the time.
This morning I even surprised myself. I met Sterling...yes Sterling and his awesome girlfriend at the gym at 9. I know what a struggle it is for him to make it there so early and I felt really, really sorry for him (insert...very sarcastic tone...considering Charlie decided to wake up at 5:15 this morning!)
We kicked butt! We started off with supersets working arms and legs...after an hour we moved outside and did some biometrics (killer). Sterling had the brilliant idea that we should flip tires...not just your average tire, I think it fit an eighteen wheeler! We then finished up back in the gym with a tough ab workout. 2 hours and 20 minutes later...we were DONE.
Sterling is making it very hard for me to not like him! He is a great person, motivator and works me as hard as Paul (if not harder!). Don't get me wrong, he is a competitor and he likes to dish out a lot of smack talk, but I feel very blessed and fortunate to have teamed up with him this morning for the great workout. We are good for eachother, if I did 20 of something....he would do 21, just to make me mad! And If he did 20 or 30 of something I would do 21 or 31...just to make him mad! We are good for pushing eachother. Although if he gets any further ahead of me in points in this competitionI might be forced to drastic measures of sabotage! Just kidding!
While my husband is at the basketball game right now, and Charlie is taking a nap...it has been nice to sit on my sore behind in the peace in quiet! I am hoping the scale is nice to me on Monday and reflects all of this hard work.
This morning I even surprised myself. I met Sterling...yes Sterling and his awesome girlfriend at the gym at 9. I know what a struggle it is for him to make it there so early and I felt really, really sorry for him (insert...very sarcastic tone...considering Charlie decided to wake up at 5:15 this morning!)
We kicked butt! We started off with supersets working arms and legs...after an hour we moved outside and did some biometrics (killer). Sterling had the brilliant idea that we should flip tires...not just your average tire, I think it fit an eighteen wheeler! We then finished up back in the gym with a tough ab workout. 2 hours and 20 minutes later...we were DONE.
Sterling is making it very hard for me to not like him! He is a great person, motivator and works me as hard as Paul (if not harder!). Don't get me wrong, he is a competitor and he likes to dish out a lot of smack talk, but I feel very blessed and fortunate to have teamed up with him this morning for the great workout. We are good for eachother, if I did 20 of something....he would do 21, just to make me mad! And If he did 20 or 30 of something I would do 21 or 31...just to make him mad! We are good for pushing eachother. Although if he gets any further ahead of me in points in this competitionI might be forced to drastic measures of sabotage! Just kidding!
While my husband is at the basketball game right now, and Charlie is taking a nap...it has been nice to sit on my sore behind in the peace in quiet! I am hoping the scale is nice to me on Monday and reflects all of this hard work.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Mingling with the Competition...
I made it to the gym last night and again this morning! Hooray! In fact I am super sore from my cardio workout last night. It might have something to do with .... me staying on the elliptical for and hour and 20 minutes! This is what happened....
I'm going along minding my own business trying to get my cardio workout on, and in walks "Mr. Machine in the Gym" himself...that's right... Sterling. He and his better half marched up stairs and surrounded me on the machines, one on one side of me, and one on the other. No where to go, no where to hide.....
I'm kidding! Sterling and his girlfriend were great! We chatted for a while and then tried to out do each other on the cardio! I have to admit, it was major motivation having him next to me. I have never been on the elliptical for over an hour. And I felt it this morning! Of course I was trying to whisper sweet nothings about Casa Rod in his ear, and fill his head with images of enchiladas and queso...we will see if it works! Ha! Ha!
I just barely made it to the gym this morning, I sincerely wanted that extra hour of sleep, but I made it! I decided because I was so sore from last night that I would change things up a bit this morning and hop on the bike. Well, keep in mind it was really early...and I was really tired...and sore...and you know how graceful I am....I sat down and adjusted the seat and started pedaling away. Well...I adjusted to far...and my knew slammed into the machine and not only left a big red whelp, but it started bleeding! But I am so strong that I was able to toughen it out for 30 minutes! Lord help me :)
Hopefully tonight will be more successful!
I'm going along minding my own business trying to get my cardio workout on, and in walks "Mr. Machine in the Gym" himself...that's right... Sterling. He and his better half marched up stairs and surrounded me on the machines, one on one side of me, and one on the other. No where to go, no where to hide.....
I'm kidding! Sterling and his girlfriend were great! We chatted for a while and then tried to out do each other on the cardio! I have to admit, it was major motivation having him next to me. I have never been on the elliptical for over an hour. And I felt it this morning! Of course I was trying to whisper sweet nothings about Casa Rod in his ear, and fill his head with images of enchiladas and queso...we will see if it works! Ha! Ha!
I just barely made it to the gym this morning, I sincerely wanted that extra hour of sleep, but I made it! I decided because I was so sore from last night that I would change things up a bit this morning and hop on the bike. Well, keep in mind it was really early...and I was really tired...and sore...and you know how graceful I am....I sat down and adjusted the seat and started pedaling away. Well...I adjusted to far...and my knew slammed into the machine and not only left a big red whelp, but it started bleeding! But I am so strong that I was able to toughen it out for 30 minutes! Lord help me :)
Hopefully tonight will be more successful!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
5 AM Motivation
Paul is going to KILL me...I didn't make it in to the gym this morning for my 5am cardio. I have no good excuse, just did not get there. I don't know what my problem is this week, I am having lots of trouble getting to the gym at 5am. I have worked out every single day for the last two weeks...BUT I wanted to get in a double day today and tomorrow. I will get there this evening, and I will MAKE myself get there in the morning and again with Paul tomorrow afternoon. I HAVE TO!!! I can NOT let my second place slip through my fingers. Speaking of second place; Mr. "Machine in the Gym" Sterling was pretty proud of his 77 point lead for first place!!! We have had a little friendly smack talk going on this morning....and the gloves are off! :)
Last night's workout was tough! I think Paul really got lots of enjoyment out of it though. When Paul smiles or laughs...it's usually not good news for me! We started off with push ups and pull downs in the gym. Then we headed outside for the torture session. Jogging, lunges, squats, hopping on one foot, sprinting, running backwards, side lunges, push-ups, oblique crunches, more squats, and ab taps....AND, I am still alive to write about it! Although the outside workouts are not what I would call enjoyable, they really push me hard and are a nice alternative to the gym.
Paul and I are working on adjusting my food plan. He does not think I was getting enough calories in daily. Sounds crazy, huh?! But I was actually only getting around 1,000 calories in per day and because I am working out so hard, and my body is not used to any of this...I could be burning muscle tissue instead of FAT, and that is not good. So we are making adjustments and hopefully it will make a positive difference in my weight loss.
Prayer requests for this week:
- motivation for 5am workouts
- strength and determination for hard workouts...the next three days
- support for me and my competitors to keep moving forward on this journey
Last night's workout was tough! I think Paul really got lots of enjoyment out of it though. When Paul smiles or laughs...it's usually not good news for me! We started off with push ups and pull downs in the gym. Then we headed outside for the torture session. Jogging, lunges, squats, hopping on one foot, sprinting, running backwards, side lunges, push-ups, oblique crunches, more squats, and ab taps....AND, I am still alive to write about it! Although the outside workouts are not what I would call enjoyable, they really push me hard and are a nice alternative to the gym.
Paul and I are working on adjusting my food plan. He does not think I was getting enough calories in daily. Sounds crazy, huh?! But I was actually only getting around 1,000 calories in per day and because I am working out so hard, and my body is not used to any of this...I could be burning muscle tissue instead of FAT, and that is not good. So we are making adjustments and hopefully it will make a positive difference in my weight loss.
Prayer requests for this week:
- motivation for 5am workouts
- strength and determination for hard workouts...the next three days
- support for me and my competitors to keep moving forward on this journey
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
U Tube Video
I forgot to mention the video footage that David posted on UTube...seriously embarrassing! I think I am like the fourth one they show...try not to look directly at the fat rolls...(Paul and David would be mad at me for that negativity! I'm working on it.)
Birthdays and Blogs...
OK....so I didn't make it to the gym this morning...HOWEVER, I got to work super early to decorate my boss' office for her birthday. I blew up about 30 balloons and taped banners, threw confetti, pretty much ran around like a mad woman and I do think I produced a few beads of sweat...so I am thinking cardio?! I even took pictures so that you can see the amazing birthday decorator's work!
In all seriousness, I will work my tail off tonight with Paul, and I will make Thursday AND Friday double days and go morning and afternoon to the gym. I don't want my second place to be snatched from me! I will also be in town this weekend, so I plan on making it both days to the gym as well.
Mondays work out was good. I went in to the gym in a bit of a bad mood, and my blood pressure reflected it. I have lost 1% of body fat and my grand total for the first three weeks of training was only 6 pounds...so I was having a pity party for my self a little bit. But Paul gave me my progress pep talk and when I left the gym, I felt good!
I received several emails and phone calls this morning about my debut on the radio! I was so disappointed I missed it. I was told that they talked about my blog, and even read some of Friday's post! It is so funny...when I started this blog I figured I was basically writing to an audience of ...my mom, maybe my husband....and that was pretty much it! I am just amazed at all of the support and people who waste a few minutes of their day reading about my journey. It kind of puts pressure on a girl! I really appreciate it, the motivation and support is what keeps me going. I am on Week 4...I have never worked out for 4 consecutive weeks in my life. Sad, but true :)
Monday, March 2, 2009
My Boys!
***I have posted a few pics of Ryan and Charlie on my blog! Notice Charlie's awesome shirt!***
Ryan and I take turns on the weekends waking up with Charlie (6:30am-7). Well Sunday was my turn to sleep in! What a great way to start off the day. :) When I finally peeped my head out of the bedroom door, it was almost 9:00. For those of you with young kids know that is comparable to noon!
We went to church and were invited to go to Chuck E Cheese with my in-laws, and five of Charlie's cousins. Since Charlie is OBSESSED with Chuck E Cheese, we agreed. However, some how Ryan was able to weasel his way out of going....so I had the pleasure of chasing a crazy two-year old around that chaotic place for two hours! I think that should count as my pre-workout, I was sweating by the time we left. Of course people probably thought I was kidnapping my child, because when we leave I have to carry him out kicking and screaming...did I mention we are OBSESSED with ChuckE? It's so embarrassing! When Charlie and I finally got home, Ryan offered to feed and bathe him while I went to the gym...so sweet of him after my nerves were shot from screaming children and almost having a heat stroke chasing after his son!
I did get in a good hour of cardio, and it did take away the Chuck E Cheese stress! Paul was at the gym too, working out. He made me laugh because I watched him look at the clock and scan the cardio equipment upstairs, I don't think he thought I was going to make it!!!
Unfortunately I did not make it to the gym this morning at 5. I did not sleep well last night and could not seem to get there this morning. SO I will just have to make it there the rest of the week instead of taking Wednesday off...in addition to my workouts with Paul.
I'm looking forward to having my measurements taken today, I am very anxious to see if I have made any progress!
ALSO, VERY IMPORTANT: I was so disappointed that I missed meeting Paul's Mom on Friday! She came in to town, because Paul's sister had 12 inches cut off her hair and donated to Locks of Love. That is so awesome! Paul told me that his Mom reads my blog, and that meant so much to me. I wanted to meet her to thank her for raising such a wonderful son. And to thank her for her support!
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