OK....so I didn't make it to the gym this morning...HOWEVER, I got to work super early to decorate my boss' office for her birthday. I blew up about 30 balloons and taped banners, threw confetti, pretty much ran around like a mad woman and I do think I produced a few beads of sweat...so I am thinking cardio?! I even took pictures so that you can see the amazing birthday decorator's work!
In all seriousness, I will work my tail off tonight with Paul, and I will make Thursday AND Friday double days and go morning and afternoon to the gym. I don't want my second place to be snatched from me! I will also be in town this weekend, so I plan on making it both days to the gym as well.
Mondays work out was good. I went in to the gym in a bit of a bad mood, and my blood pressure reflected it. I have lost 1% of body fat and my grand total for the first three weeks of training was only 6 pounds...so I was having a pity party for my self a little bit. But Paul gave me my progress pep talk and when I left the gym, I felt good!
I received several emails and phone calls this morning about my debut on the radio! I was so disappointed I missed it. I was told that they talked about my blog, and even read some of Friday's post! It is so funny...when I started this blog I figured I was basically writing to an audience of ...my mom, maybe my husband....and that was pretty much it! I am just amazed at all of the support and people who waste a few minutes of their day reading about my journey. It kind of puts pressure on a girl! I really appreciate it, the motivation and support is what keeps me going. I am on Week 4...I have never worked out for 4 consecutive weeks in my life. Sad, but true :)
Your blog inspired me to do my own. I really feel it helps in accountability. Keep up the good work. I know it's hard cos I'm fightin right along next to ya!