Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day FUN!

Mother's Day was nice and relaxing. I slept in until 9 o clock (when you have a two year old...that feels like NOON!) Charlie woke me up by jumping on me and shouting HAPPY MUDAS DAY!!! Good thing he is so cute, or I might of had to knock him out! After I got up, Ryan took Charlie to deliver a Mothers Day card to his grandmother and I was able to enjoy a shower by myself...without trying to get Charlie out of the bathroom cabinets, or keeping him away from my straightener, or out of my drawers, etc...I was HEAVEN!
My mom, dad, and sister came over. We left the boys watching the game....and us girls enjoyed Pei Wei and pedicures, it was great!

Pedis with my Favs....Katy and Mom!

Katy and I got matching pedis! My feet are the tan ones!


  1. thanks for making it very clear that your feet are the tan ones. might as well have just said katy is the one with the white feet. haha just kidding i love you! and i had so much fun yesterday. happy mothers day to me! :) once again, just kidding.

  2. It was a fun day! Glad that Icould spend it with my two beautiful daughters!!!

    Love ya,
