Thursday, May 28, 2009

Positive Thoughts...

I am feeling MUCH better today. I had a great workout with Paul yesterday afternoon and although, I did throw up outside, I felt like we had a productive workout. It was very hot and I think that might have had something to do with it.
I was able to get in another GREAT workout this morning (5:30am) at a park right by my house. I walked a mile, did sets of lunges, squats, high knee skips, and other fun exercises! It was a nice morning and it was a beautiful sunrise.

Positive thoughts:
- I have a great husband and happy, healthy little boy
- I have lost 38 pounds since Jan. 1
- I wore a skirt to my nieces dance recital on Saturday that I haven't fit into since my honeymoon
- I have an AWESOME trainer who will never know how grateful I am
- I have a wonderful support system (MOM!, Family, friends, etc..)

Looking forward to another great workout tomorrow morning and afternoon. I have started back on a great exercise routine this week. I have lost weight, and I feel more organized. I know I can reach my goals by the end of summer!!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're feeling better! We all have those days and sometimes weeks. Life is just hard when you're juggling home, work, a family, AND the healthy life style. But its all worth it when you see the beautiful results!!!

