Friday, February 20, 2009


I will start by saying yesterday was a great day! I started with my 5am cardio session, which was a struggle to get to.....because mean old Paul made me super sore again! But it amazes me how working out in the morning energizes me the whole day. I have heard people say that before and thought, how absurd! How could exercise at 5am possibly energize me? But it really does!
Anyway, I also had a blood pressure check and consult with my wonderful OB, Dr. Justin Gayle. I have been looking forward to this appointment, so that I could show him my progress and tell him about the fitness challenge. Dr. Gayle has listened to me cry and whine for years regarding my weight. He told me at my last appointment, that I HAD TO STOP TALKING ABOUT IT AND DO IT. He was right. And he was truly thrilled that I have finally taken the steps to changing my life. I have lost 14 pounds since my last appointment with him in December. It felt good and at my next appointment in April, I plan to have lost at least 20 more pounds. He is a wonderful man, and I am so blessed to have him as my doctor. He encourages me, he comforts me, and he and his nurse, Donna, have always made me feel like a VIP. I was so proud to share this news with him, and he is pulling for me and supporting me like family.

Now...about today.....
I set my alarm for another 5am workout (4th in a row) and when that alarm went off this morning, my will power was overtaken by comfy bed for one more hour. I had a very important meeting today at work that I had so much to prepare for...the meeting involved many high executives in the oil industry as well as my entire faculty. And this meeting is generally from 10-3. So as I am typing this, I just returned from the dreaded meeting with more follow-up work than when I started....ugh. I am exhausted. And I don't want to go work out with Paul more than anything!!!

BUT....I am. And because I missed my 5am workout this morning I will be working out both Saturday and Sunday as well. I promise I will be more positive next post....that 5 hour meeting sucked the life out of me! I'm sure my sweet husband would rather me vent on my blog rather than when I get home!

PRAYER FROM STERLING'S(one of my competitors) GROUP PAGE:
(when I read it, felt like it was written for me!)
Here's my prayer for today:
"Almighty Father, thank you for a beautiful day, a beautiful life, and a beautiful Savior. God, I'm pumped today and can walk with less pushing from you. Stay behind me ready to catch me when I fall, to push me when I'm weak, and keep me encouraged when I'm down. Continue to bless me and all those striving to better themselves! Bless my trainers and their families that they continue with the desire to restore the beauty of your creation. In Jesus name...Amen."

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ash,
    I am sooooooo proud of you and all your efforts and accomplishments. I know this is hard, but you will reap the benefits and that's what makes it all worth it!!! I am sorry I am just commenting for the first time, but I just found out about your blog. You are doing great!!!!! Keep up the great work!!!
    Give Ryan a kiss for all his support too!
