Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Red Eyes

I woke up this morning with an eye infection :( it is pretty ugly. But did that stop me from going to the gym at 5am? NO WAY! I threw on my specks and headed out for cardio. I got some ugly looks, I guess I looked a little rougher than usual!
I am wearing no eye make up today and my glasses. I was hoping it would clear up on its own, but it seems to be getting worse. I guess I will bite the bullet and call the eye doctor.
If you know me well, you know that I do get frequent eye infections, at least two or three a year. And usually they are my fault, I am not the best at taking care of my contacts as I should. And let me just say, wearing glasses to work out is a fun experience. There is sweating and wiping, and it just doesn't work. But with out them, I'm blind so I don't have much of a choice. Regardless, I seem to have an eye infection at the best times....usually when I have something big planned, or somewhere important to go! I hate wearing my glasses and red eyes are not attractive! Maybe one day I will learn my lesson or go of the two.

Pray for my infection to go away quickly! Pray, Pray, Pray for me to continue to push as hard as I have been and finish.....FIRST!

***David mentioned me on the radio this morning! He told listeners about my cholesterol success! It was motivating and exciting to hear on my way to work. ***

1 comment:

  1. I just sat down to read your blog after we talked on the phone. You didn't mention your eye infection. You better take care of that...or you will go blind!
    You are working so hard and no matter what the results of the challenge are, you can be very proud that you have established this new and awesome lifestyle for yourself!
    Keep on truckin! Two more days!! We'll celebrate on Saturday!
    Love ya,
