Thursday, March 5, 2009

5 AM Motivation

Paul is going to KILL me...I didn't make it in to the gym this morning for my 5am cardio. I have no good excuse, just did not get there. I don't know what my problem is this week, I am having lots of trouble getting to the gym at 5am. I have worked out every single day for the last two weeks...BUT I wanted to get in a double day today and tomorrow. I will get there this evening, and I will MAKE myself get there in the morning and again with Paul tomorrow afternoon. I HAVE TO!!! I can NOT let my second place slip through my fingers. Speaking of second place; Mr. "Machine in the Gym" Sterling was pretty proud of his 77 point lead for first place!!! We have had a little friendly smack talk going on this morning....and the gloves are off! :)

Last night's workout was tough! I think Paul really got lots of enjoyment out of it though. When Paul smiles or's usually not good news for me! We started off with push ups and pull downs in the gym. Then we headed outside for the torture session. Jogging, lunges, squats, hopping on one foot, sprinting, running backwards, side lunges, push-ups, oblique crunches, more squats, and ab taps....AND, I am still alive to write about it! Although the outside workouts are not what I would call enjoyable, they really push me hard and are a nice alternative to the gym.

Paul and I are working on adjusting my food plan. He does not think I was getting enough calories in daily. Sounds crazy, huh?! But I was actually only getting around 1,000 calories in per day and because I am working out so hard, and my body is not used to any of this...I could be burning muscle tissue instead of FAT, and that is not good. So we are making adjustments and hopefully it will make a positive difference in my weight loss.

Prayer requests for this week:
- motivation for 5am workouts
- strength and determination for hard workouts...the next three days
- support for me and my competitors to keep moving forward on this journey

1 comment:

  1. My thoughts today will be compliments of Webster’s Dictionary. These are words I would use to describe you.

    Strength- the quality or state of being strong : capacity for exertion or endurance

    Determined- having reached a decision : firmly resolved

    Tough- characterized by severity or uncompromising determination

    Keep up the good work!
