Monday, March 9, 2009

Ruff Day

Charlie's outfit sums up my day yesterday and this morning!!! After my crazy workout on Saturday with Sterling, I woke up very sore! And bruised from my monster tire flipping...what was I thinking?! And the time change definitely did not help matters. Charlie and I made it to church, and my prayers included my sore muscles! My prayers have been answered and I am glad to say that I am feeling much better this morning.
Yesterday evening we celebrated Ryan's grandmother's CASA ROD. That's right, my favorite mexican food restaurant. And are you ready for this??? Drum roll please......
I did not eat ONE chip, I did not eat one drop of queso(which the table had three orders of), or one tortilla....I ate grilled chicken, lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, and avocado. That is it!!!!!
AND one more thing.....NO CAKE either. Did I mention that I bought the cake (with the good icing) and it looked amazing???
OH AND I went and worked out after we got home too!

Thank you for all of your prayers and support, it is working!!!!

P.S. If you are wondering why Charlie is wearing cowboy boots with shorts....
We pick and choose our battles with him these days, he threw a huge fit and refused to let us put any other shoes on his feet! I love two year olds!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love that little boy so much and miss him terribly! Also glad that you had such aproductive and successful weekend. It's all gonna pay off!!!
    Love ya lots!!!
    P.S. Give Char a BIG kiss from Mimi and Poppa!
